favorite chip
plantain chips
First city of residence in Canada
Toronto/North York
the eid that occurs after ramadan
eid al-fitr
fruit that is frequently eaten at iftar
Favorite singer
Number of siblings
the list of fundamental instructions that fasting is included within
5 pillars of islam
the qualifications for meat to be halal
killed quickly, by a human hand, the blood is drained, recite a dua
favorite color
her birthday (include the year)
March 7th 1976
the maximum length of a taraweeh prayer
animals from this part of the world are all permissible to eat regardless of circumstances
the ocean
Favorite takeout place
Coconut breeze
Her university major
The night that the quran was first revealed on
Laylat al-qadr
food that is allegedly the prophet Mohammad SWS's favorite
favorite genre of tv shows
the grade she received in calculus at UG
ramadan occurs on which month of the islamic calendar
The meat that muslims distribute in the month of Dhul Hijjah
what is Qurbani