What colors did Sam dye her hair?
Purple and teal/ blue
What's Sam's favorite vacation spot?
Cape Cod
Who is each girl's godparent?
Sam: Matt and Delanie
Olivia: Beth and DJ
What was Olivia's favorite color when she was little?
What position does Olivia play in basketball?
Point Gaurd
What was Sam's favorite book series as a kid?
Harry Potter
What's Sam's favorite TV show?
Cobra Kai
How many times did Sam and Liv see Avengers: Infinity War in the theatre?
How old was Olivia turning when she had her Star Wars themed birthday party?
What was Olivia's gerbils named?
Sugar and Spice
What grade was Sam in when she started her book?
3rd grade
What month and year did Sam and Collin start dating?
February, 2023
Which Izzo daughter started walking at an earlier age?
Olivia (10 months)
Who was Olivia's favorite Disney Princess?
What's Olivia's favorite meal?
Surf and Turf
Who was Sam's favorite Ninja Turtle?
What's Sam's drink order at Starbucks?
Mocha cookie crumble frappuccino, cream based
What would Sam's boy name have been? What would Olivia's
Both: Carter
What was the only song Olivia ever danced on stage to?
It Was an Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Poka Dot Bikini
What number is Olivia for IFA?
What was Sam's first Halloween costume?
A bumblebee
What was the last book Sam read?
How many states have Sam and Liv both been to? (driving through does not count)
11 (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Massachusettes, Connecticut, South Carolina, Florida, Nevada, California, Rhode Island)
What grade was Olivia when she started playing futsal?
2nd grade
What age did Olivia get her ears pierced?
She hasn't