When is Trinity's birthday?
When is october 20th, 2004
When is Daja's birthday?
When is october 30th, 2005
When is Ja'Niyah's birthday?
When is november 5th, 2004
Who is the dynamic duo
Who are Nasia & Malik
What's 9+10
What is trinity's favorite color?
What is light blue.
What is Daja's favorite thing to do?
What is draw
What is Ja'Niyah's favorite color?
What is black
Where is the dynamic duo moving to?
Where is Texas
Don't play with me,play with your ____
What is trinity's strange addiction?
What is humping the air
What is Daja's secrete hobby?
What is watching anime
What sport do Ja'Niyah play?
What is basketball
What is the dynamic duo's favorite thing to do together
As you should,____
Cuz that's yo business
What is trinity's first dream job?
What is mailwoman
What is Daja's middle name?
What is Renae
What is Ja'Niyah's current favorite phrase?
What is "it's the ____ for me"
What is the dynamic duos theme song?
I write sins not tragedies
ain't nobody got ___
time for that
What is Trinity's dream school?
What is UNCG
Who is Daja's favorite person to be around?
Who is herself
What is Ja'Niyah's nickname for Jo
What is pumpkin
How do the dynamic duo describe their music selection?
very cultured
ahhhhhhhh, stop you almost ____
made me drop my croissant