American History
Poets, Writers and Famous Quotes
Greatest Generation
Family Bloopers
Long Island

The first English settlement in America was led by this man. 

Who is Captain John Smith?


This American poet took the path less taken. 

Who is Robert Frost?


This started due to the rise to power dictators Mussolini and Hitler, the violation of the Treaty of Versailles and the invasion of Poland. 

What are causes of World War II?


This family member hitched a ride with a van of "hippies" and filled with empty beer cans on a family ski vacation.   

Who is Robert?


This name for the New York Island can be traced to the Native American name for "the island that pays tribute". 

What is Paumanok?


This famous French ship ran aground off the coast of Texas, at Matagorda Bay in 1684 and was brought up from the depths 300 years later.  

What is the La Belle? 


This poet is known for his radical experimentation with form, punctuation, spelling and syntax and wrote a famous poem that mimicked the jump of a grasshopper. 

Who is E. E. Cummins?


This area of the world was the location of World War II fighting due to militarism and imperialism rise in Japan, leading to the Japanese invasion of China and the Pacific Islands. 

What are the Pacific Islands? 

This family member patted a recently "dressed" deer head and said "that's alright, Daddy will fix your boo boo". 

Who is Frank?


When this bridge was completed in 1883, it became the first land-transport route between Long Island and the mainland USA.

What is the Brooklyn Bridget?


This famous persona published the pamphlet called "Poor Richards Almanac" from 1732-1758 for the 13 colonies. 

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


This anthropologist, author and speaker said "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has. 

Who is Margaret Mead?


No matter where you were in the United States in the early 40s, you engaged in these drills as a child. 

What are Air Raid or Black out drills?


This family member got so into the "Fox Fire" books, which educated readers about skills important for those living in Appalachia, that he made his own moonshine in the garage. 

Who is David?


In 1927, Charles Lindbergh took off from this field as he embarked on the first non-stop solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean. 

What is Roosevelt Field?


This son of a quaker corset maker used plain language to advocate for independence from Britain. 

Who is Thomas Payne?


This transcendentalist writer gained notoriety for writing from a log cabin in the woods for 2 years, 2 months and 2 days. 

Who is Henry David Thoreau?


This name was given by the Allied WWII pilots to the eastern end of the Himalayan Mountains over which they flew military transport from India to China to re-supply the Chinese and USAAF forces in China.

What is "the Hump"?


This family member ran at full speed through a sliding glass door at a 7 year old birthday party and came out with a few scratches. 

Who is Heather?

This company built the 1969 Lunar Module that was critical to the success of the Appollo 11 mission. 

What is the Grumman Corporation?


The U.S. Marine Corps was first established to fight in this war. 

What is the Revolutionary War?


This poet is known for his radical experimentation with form, punctuation, spelling and syntax and wrote a famous poem that mimicked the jump of a grasshopper.

Who is E. E. Cummins?


These four countries declared themselves neutral during World War II. 

What is Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and Sweden?


This family member caught the biggest, baddest sailfish during a full day of deep-sea fishing where no one else had much luck.  

Who is Margaret?


In 1640, these were the first two settlements on Long Island. 

What is Southold and Southhampton?
