True or False: In the morning, you are responsible for hanging up your belongs, putting down your chair, marking off and grabbing breakfast, reading the front board, and making your lunch choice.
What side of the hall should we walk on?
No, we would only go to assigned seats if we had behavior problems
At the end of recess, all equipment should...
be put away/returned to the shed
We will earn a reward when we've collected ______ links.
Anything that you have to turn in to the office should go directly to...
Miss Barnshaw
True or false. It's okay for me to talk in the hallway, as long as I'm quiet about it.
False. If everyone talks quietly, it would still disrupt other classes as we're walking by them
True or false. It's okay to give any food I'm not going to eat to someone else, or trade it for something better.
No! We don't know about allergies, dietary restrictions, etc...
True. They can unwrap while people are swinging and can be really dangerous!
When I do something awesome, I can earn a _________ from anyone in the building.
positive office referral
FREEZE and listen!
All classes are to have students line up in ________ order.
I should say __________ and _____________ to the lunch ladies when I'm getting my food.
please, thank you
We must walk and stay quiet until we get to the...
blacktop at the bottom of the small hill.
At the end of the year, Miss B will be having a pizza party for what top three winners?
top speller, top reader, emoji book challenge winner
clean off desks, put up chairs, pack up all belongings, clean floors, help the teacher's assistant with end of day duties
How many students can use the bathroom at a time?
1, if the light is on, you must wait until that person returns, unless it's an emergency.
True or False. It's good for me to talk to my friends once my trash has been thrown out and I'm waiting to get dismissed to my teacher.
False. We need to stay quiet while the other classes are called to throw out their trash.
Off limit areas of the playground:
behind the shed, down the hill, by the trees, behind the fence, anywhere where you can't see a teacher
What increments of money can you earn in MISS B's class?
$1, $2, $4, $10, $20, $200
Because we are now in 5th grade, can students use their phones at the end of the day or go to hang out in the hall/visit teachers?
No, we follow the same rules as the rest of the building
When can I go to the bathroom?
Any time, except for during whole group instruction
How do I get rid of my trash and tray?
When called, you go to the clean up station and, dump extra milk in the bucket, trash in the trash cans, stack your tray, and then head back to your seat.
True or false. When I hear the whistle is blown, it's okay for me to swing a couple more times, take another shot, take my time because I don't need to be the first student in line.
community meeting