What does BJ stand for
Bryan Jr.
What is BJ's girlfriends name
How many BLOOD siblings does BJ have
What is BJ's favorite toy/thing to play with
What is BJ's dads name
What grade was BJ in when he had his first kiss
What are the genders of BJ's siblings
2 girls and 2 boys
What is ONE of BJ's favorite animes
Naruto, Hunter X Hunter, Dragon Ball Super
What size shoe does BJ wear
What phone does BJ have (when he has it)
iPhone 8 Plus
Name 3 of BJ's 4 siblings
Jaliyah, Tanisha, Malique, Jerrell
What is BJ's favorite article of clothing (ex. shirt or socks)
Hoodies, Jackets, Sweaters
What is ONE of BJ's favorite colors
Black or Gold
What school does BJ go to
Highland Park Senior High
Which BLOOD sibling does BJ talk to the most ON THE PHONE
Name one food the BJ doesn't like
Get the Answer from BJ cause he dislikes too many foods to type it all
What is BJ's middle name
Name ONE of BJ's favorite candies
Jolly Ranchers, Airheads, Gummi Worm
How old was BJ's oldest sibling when BJ was born
Name one thing that BJ knows how to cook
Get the Answer from BJ cause he can cook too many foods to type it all