What are the first two groups that ALL animals are divided into?
vertebrates and invertebrates
What are the two types of water in which fish live?
fresh and salt water
How do MOST amphibians begin life?
as eggs
What is a typical life cycle of a reptile?
egg, baby/juvenile, adult
What does "molt" mean?
shed skin, feathers, or hair
What are the two groups that ALL vertebrates are divided into?
warm-blooded and cold-blooded
What body part helps a fish move in the water?
fins (including tail)
Where do amphibians live?
in water when young and on land (but frequently near water) when adult
Where do reptiles lay their eggs?
on land
What does vertebrate mean?
Warm-blooded or Cold-blooded?
What body part protects a fish?
scales (and/or slime)
How do amphibians breathe?
with gills when young and with lungs when adult
How do reptiles breathe?
through lungs
What does the prefix "in-" mean?
Warm-blooded or Cold-blooded?
With what do fish breathe?
Describe an amphibian's skin.
thin, smooth, and moist
Describe a reptile's skin.
tough, dry, scaly
What is a metamorphosis?
when an animal changes form as it grows
Warm-blooded or Cold-blooded?
What covers a fish's scales?
How do amphibians "drink" or take in water?
absorb or soak up through their thin skin
How are baby/juvenile reptiles different from adult reptiles?
They are smaller. There are not any major differences.
What does "amphibian" mean?
double life