Section 1A
Section 1B
Section 1C
Random Choice

What is science?

Science is the knowledge gained from the careful, systematic investigation of the natural world. It also refers to the process humans use to learn about nature.


How is it possible for creationists and evolutionists to view the same evidence but come to very different conclusions?

Their conclusions are based on their worldviews. An evolutionist approaches the evidence with the assumption that evolution is true and that the Bible is wrong. A creationist approaches the evidence with the assumption that the Bible is true and infallible and that evolution is wrong.


Why might one scientist’s use of the scientific method differ from another scientist’s use of it? 

The scientific method is not a rigid series of steps that must be followed. The problem being solved, the circumstances, the person solving the problem, and other factors are different in different situations.


What did Goldberger conclude was the cause of pellagra?

a diet poor in animal products (milk, meat, and eggs)



the knowledge gained from the careful systematic investigation of the natural world


What does systematic mean?

It means that the study is based on step-by-step procedures.


What is the only sure source of truth?

God’s Word, the Bible


What is the term for a simple, testable statement about the solution to a problem?



Which problem should you study by performing an experiment?

a. Which state has the most car accidents during summer?

b. What kind of computer should people buy?

c. At what temperature do asparagus plants grow best?

d. How many kinds of bears live in Yellowstone National Park?

c. At what temperature do asparagus plants grow best?



an idea taken for granted or assumed to be true


Which is not a good characteristic for a scientist?

    a.  caution                        c.  bias

    b.  observation                    d.  curiosity

c.  bias


The worldview that many modern biologists hold to is called ________.



Which of these problems would best be studied with a survey?

a.  Which antibiotic is most effective at killing E. coli bacteria? 

b.  Which brand of toothpaste do most dentists recommend?

c.  Which chemical makes Bermuda grass the greenest? 

d.  Does vitamin C help prevent cancer?   

b. Which brand of toothpaste do most dentists recommend? 


You are conducting an experiment to determine which fertilizer results in the most growth in hybrid tea roses. Which would be the best hypothesis for this problem?

a. Fertilizer A kills hybrid tea roses.

b. Fertilizer B results in more growth in hybrid tea roses than Fertilizer A.

c. You should never use Fertilizer B on hybrid tea roses.

d. Fertilizer A makes roses grow faster than Fertilizer B does.

b. Fertilizer B results in more growth in hybrid tea roses than Fertilizer A.


controlled experiment

a situation or process designed and controlled by a person for the purpose of gaining data about a particular problem and testing a particular hypothesis


List six limitations of science.

Science deals only with things that can be observed. 

Scientific observations may be faulty.

Scientists are influenced by bias.

Science cannot make value judgments. 

Science cannot prove universal statements. 

Science cannot provide final answers. 


Why do people with a nonbiblical worldview commit themselves to finding solutions to the world’s problems? Give two reasons. 

First, they want to rid the world of ignorance. They believe that nature, through evolution, has produced people; therefore, nature should be studied and understood. Second, they want to use science to help people.


(True or False) A well-planned experiment always results in one clear answer. 

False. The data does not always immediately point to one clear answer. The data must be classified and analyzed. Sometimes additional or modified experiments will need to be performed before the best answer can be chosen.


The different factors that can change in an experiment are called

a. controls

b. hypotheses

c. solutions

d. variables

d. variables


experimental variable

the factor or condition being changed in a controlled experiment


Which of these statements are observations, and which are inferences? How can you tell the difference? 

a. This Golden Delicious apple tree produced 20 bushels of apples this year. 

b. This Red Delicious apple tree produced 18 bushels of apples this year. 

c. The Granny Smith apple tree produced 20 bushels of apples this year. 

d. Most apple trees produce about 20 bushels of apples per year. 

e. This apple tree should produce 20 bushels of apples next year. 

Statements a, b, and c are all observations. Statements d and e are both inferences. An observation is information gained by using one or more of your senses. An inference is a logical conclusion based on what has been observed.


Does the Creation Mandate allow us to use creation in any way we desire? Why or why not? 

No. Although man has been given stewardship over the earth, he should not abuse or be cruel to any creatures or humans. Man has not been called to destroy or squander the earth, but to exercise wise and good dominion over it for God’s glory.


How can an answer from an experiment be verified?

by obtaining more data through repeated experiments or surveys


In a scientific experiment, what should be the only difference between the two groups?

a. the control variable

b. the hypothesis

c. the experimental variable

d. the inference

c. the experimental variable


experimental group

the group in a controlled experiment that is exposed to the experimental variable
