"PMTR" What your parents call you from 1000 miles away to do for them when they're watching TV
What is "Pass me the remote"
Dialing code for Nigeria
What is +234
The company behind the Galaxy phone series OR the past tense of seek
What is Samsung / What is sought?
The president before Barack Obama
Who is George W. Bush
The amount of robux $1 USD can buy you OR the direction in which a clock spins
What is 80 robux / What is clockwise
"IDSAD" What African parents say every time you return from the barber shop
What is "I don't see a difference"
Album "The ________ of Lauryn Hill"
What is Miseducation?
Primary element in organisms OR the name of the answer to a division equation
What is carbon / What is quotient
Shift + 4 on your keyboard
What is $
The type of cable iPhones 14 and below use OR the Greek figure who was shot in the ankle
What is Lightning / Who is Achilles
"LMSYP" What aunties want to do 5000 times every family outing
What is "Let Me Snap Your Picture"
"But I've got a _____ _____ baby, and I'll write your name." - Taylor Swift
What is Blank Space?
The largest organ in the body OR the weapon David used to kill Goliath
What is the skin / What is a sling and a rock
Greek goddess of night
Who is Nyx?
What anything to the 0th power is OR the meaning of Latin root "scrib"
What is 1 / What is write (scripture, describe, prescription)
"TNTYCBIYWGOA" What parents say to you as a kid when you come inside to drink water too often
What is "The next time you come back in(side) you won't go back outside again"
Latin root meaning "time"
What is chrono?
Earth is the nth planet away from the sun OR the system in the body that allows you to feel things
What is 3rd / What is nervous system?
"We" in Spanish
What is nosotros?
What Ctrl + N does in Microsoft Word OR What F5 does in Google Chrome
What is new document / What is Refresh
"YDKHTGMA" What your dad says to you before you even process where you are upon waking up
What is "You don't know how to greet me anymore?"
The total amount of questions in this Jeopardy
What is 35?
e, rounded to the nearest whole number OR the name of the timezone in Lagos
What is 3 / What is WAT (West Africa Standard Time)
The full name of units for connection speed
What is megabits per second?
What Newton's 3rd law of gravity states OR the title of the last Jeopardy I made
What is all actions have equal reaction / What is bk's Awesome Jeopardy