This 90's sitcom follows the antics of Shawn and Marlon Williams, brothers who live together in an apartment on 117th street in Harlem.
What is The Wayans Bros. (A very successful sitcom during the 90s The Wayans Bros. at times beat NBC’s #1 hit Friends in many markets.)
The recognition of Black history began as
A. A week
B. A day
C. It was always a month
What is a week.
Carter G. Woodson designated the second week in February as Negro History Week and galvanized fellow historians through the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, which he founded in 1915.
Where was Hip Hop was birthed?
Bronx, New York
This pack of powder can be used to make juice.
It also can be used to dye hair.
It's most popular flavor is red.
What is Kool-Aid
Finish this saying," If you can huh.."
What is, "You can hear!"
According to KANYE, who doesn't have the answers?
What is Sway
NAACP stands for this
What is The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People?
American rap artist, actor, activist, and poet. He is known by various alias such as: 2Pac, Makaveli and Pac. He is known in the Guinness Book of World Records as the top-selling hip-hop artist, having sold over 73 million albums worldwide.
Who is Tupac Shakur?
The yellow bread is cooked using buttermilk and is a staple for black families.
What is cornbread
Your house may be referred to as this
What is "the crib"?
What does it mean if your hand start itching?
What is, "I'm about to get some money!"
In what city did ROSA PARKS refuse to give up her seat?
He is known for his West Coast sound and lyrics like “Drop it like it’s hot”
This pie is eaten by Black people on Thanksgiving
What is Sweet Potato Pie
A three-letter word for something that is absolutely epic! You may say, "It's ____"
Hint It's also a Travis Scott adlib.
What is lit?
Finish this quote "Float Like a butterfly..."
What is "Sting like a bee"
He started a Muslim newspaper with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Muhammad Speaks. Also, well known for the slogan "By Any Means Necessary"...
Who is Malcom X
This artist wants everyone to say it loud that they are black and they are proud.
Who is James Brown?
When you are sick, you should drink this beverage prior to "laying down somewhere"
What is Ginger ale?
How many fights did the Fresh Prince get into before his mom got scared?
"One" little fight and my mom got scared..
Who founded Tuskegee Institute in Alabama to train black teachers, later known as Tuskegee University?
Who is Booker T. Washington.
“This is America”
Who is Childish Gambino?
What should you do to chicken before it is cooked?
What is wash.
"I go to an H.B.C.U." What does it stand for?
What are Historically Black Colleges and Universities
In this 1988 film, Eddie Murphy plays the son of a King who relocated to Queens, NY.
What is Coming to America
In America, slaves used this hairstyle as a map on their journey to freedom.
What are cornrows?
She is known for the song R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
Who is Aretha Franklin?
At a cookout your cousin may ask...Who made the "________"
What is macaroni or potato salad
This saying refers to the idea that people offended by a certain opinion or statement will most likely react defensively or even aggressively to it. Hint: saying uses an animal
What is "a hit dog will holler"?
City Girls made this word iconic..
What is Period.
Who became the first black woman millionaire and invented hair care products for black women?
Madame C.J. Walker
She has famous songs like," I wanna dance with somebody and I will always love you."
She sang one of the best National Anthems of All-Time
Who is Whitney Houston
Slaves were forced to eat the animal parts their masters threw away. They cleaned and cooked pig intestines and called them..
What are chitterlings but you may commonly hear them pronounced "chit-lins".
Finish this saying, “I am blessed and..
"Highly favored!"