The Black Death and the Causes of the Renaissance
The Italian Renaissance
Philosophical and technological changes during Renaissance
The Northern Renaissance
The Protestant Reformation and the Counter-Reformation

 How did the Black Plague spread?

It was spread through fleas on rats from ships from Asia

  1. What was an advantage to the geographical location of Italy?

Because it was located in the Mediterranean Sea, it was part of vast trade network. 


What was the most significant advance during the renaissance -

The printing press - 100 points


How did the printing press help develop the northern resistance 


It made knowledge much more accessible and the Bible was translated into modern languages which regular people could read.


What were indulgences (100pts)


 Indulgences were sold by church officials to the public to get their loved ones out of purgatory faster. In truth though they were just a way for the church to make money for elaborate structures.


How did the Black Plague affect religion and what was the Flagellant Movement?

A: Many Christians would blame the church for the plague and they lost their faith in Christianity. Some people thought it was a punishment from god and they started the Flagellant Movement, in which they would whip themselves trying to make up for their sins.


Describe this painting and who painted it? 

Botticelli painted Venus. Venus was a painting withe a very humanistic characteristic what is that -A full nude woman, linear perspective


How does William Shakespeare present humanist ideas 

He believed in the importance of the individual and celebrated man’s accomplishments


Name two changes that were made to the catholic church

Religious education was focused on and Church officials were less corrupt


Q: What caused the Renaissance and why did it begin in Italy?

A: Many Greek scholars, escaping the Ottomans, came to Italy and brought historical documents from Ancient Greece and Rome which helped spread new interests and growth in various fields.

  1. What is naturalism?

A form of art style that greatly dipics the realistic nator of the world all around.


What were 2 of Leonardo Da Vinci's most famous paintings? -

 Answer: The Mona Lisa, and The last supper.


What were the main ideas of Erasmus and what was scholasticism?

He believed that the way to be good Christian is by studying humanities and religion  


What was the German Peasants Revolt and how did Luthor respond (400pts)


 German Peasants were very unhappy with the High taxes and lack of Control in the Church, they stormed castles and Monasteries in Protest. This is also known as the Peasants War. Luthor was unhappy with the peasants' revolt because he only wanted religious change, not social change. Lutjor scorned and refused to let these ideas spread.


How did the Medici family/other patron families influence others?

A: They used their wealth in order to help support the arts and donated huge sums of money to artists, musicians, and intellectuals. This allowed more art to be created and humanism to be further spread.


What did Petrarch believe students should be educated in?

Works from Ancient Greece and Rome

He was considered the father of humanism


What more important book did Thomas write and what was it about?

Utopia and it talked about how a perfect society would behave


What role did Loyola play in the Counter Reformation


   Loyola founded the Jesuits and with them helped to enforce the new ways of the Church


Q: How did the Black Death transform European society? 

A: The feudal structure was broken because there were not enough laborers due to the decrease in society. There were less religious leaders and more people started questioning the church. Because of the decrease in population, there was a decrease in demand and the economic structure was changed.


Michelangelo created David and it is an example of Renaissance art, because...





“A prudent ruler cannot, and must not, honor his word when it places him at a disadvantage and when the reasons for which he made his promise no longer exist.” who said this, and what does it mean - 

Answer: Machiavelli means If you made a promise, It puts you in a bad situation then you can take it back.


How does that painting show the northern renaissance art style 

It uses dark colors 

And creates a realistic environment 


What did Luther declare in the 95 Theses(500pts)


 The only leader of the Christian Church is Jesus and not the Pope. And that the bible should be available to the public, allowing them to make their own interpretations of the Bible.
