What Black artist has the Most Grammy Awards?
Who is Beyonce?
Who was the First African American to attend Mississippi State University
Who is Dr. Richard Holmes?
What famous Black TV Show from the 90's stars Will Smith as the main character?
What is Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?
What is the black term for when you know someone is lying?
What is capping?
What Black inventor created the first hot comb/ hair straightening formula?
Who is Madam CJ Walker?
What Black artist won the most Grammy Awards in one Night?
Who is Michael Jackson?
Who was the first African American to not give up their seat during the Civil Rights Movement
Who is Claudette Colvin?
What 90's Black TV Show follows the lives of college students at Hillman University?
What is A Different World?
What is the Black term for when you handling what needs to be handled?
What is Standing on Business?
What Black man invented the 3 light traffic light?
Who is Garrett Morgan?
What Black artist from the Mississippi Delta is known as the King of Blues?
Who is B.B. King?
Who was the First African American to Graduate from Mississippi State University?
Who is Col. John Barnes?
Which Black TV show follows a family in poverty with a mother name Florida?
What is Good Times?
What is the Black term for addressing multiple of something... inclusive of all things?
What is "Boffum", "Allum", or "nonum"?
Which Black inventor is accredited for inventing the light bulb?
Who is Lewis Latimer?
Who is the most iconic Black Country Artist?
Who is Charley Pride?
What Black Activist is the Airport in Jackson Mississippi Named After?
Who is Medgar Wiley Evers?
In Everybody Hate's Chris what was Rochelle's favorite line?
What is "I don't need this my man has TWO JOBS'
What is the Black term used by most people when their lying, i.e. Marcus from Why Did I Get Married?
What is "you know what I'm saying?"
What Black Activist is accredited for inventing the folding chair?
Who is Nathaniel Alexander?
Who was the first African American to win a Grammy?
Who is Count Bassie?
What Black Activist is known for publishing "An Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World" which fought against slavery and called for Black Unity?
Who is David Walker?
What actor/actress starred in both The Proud Family and One on One?
Who is Kyla Pratt?
What is the Black term form living with your significant other before marriage?
What is "shacking up"?
What Black inventors created the video home security system>
Who are Marie Van Brittan Brown and Albert Brown?