he wasnt the man who made the light bulb, but he made the filament for it, who is this man?
Lewis Howard Latimer
his name is the same as an important batman character, he cleans the estate, but this man made the ice cream scoop, who is he?
Alfred L. Calle
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
this man made travel up stairs or buildings much easier, but was stolen by its general industry, who is he?
inventor of elevator-Alexander Miles
he invented an automatic seed planter, the series he references to has danger in the name, but what is the key word? who is he?
Henry Blair
this man made things with peanuts and sweet potato's, you may know him, who is he?
George Washington Carver
this man made the air conditioning unit for cooling or heating, who is he?
Fredrick McKinley Jones
he made the spinning record for songs, his name is a reference to Kool & the gang from the 1960's
Dj Kool Herc
she made the first hair straightening hair product and or hot comb, who is she
Madam Cj Walker
this is the first African American man to make a motorized car, who is he?
Fredrick Douglas Patterson
this man made lubricants for cars, and was an engineer, and even has the name of someone in this very classroom as we speak, who are they?
[an overall question to everyone]
Elijah McCoy
this is a group, they all have jackson in the name, and invented many songs, who are they?
the jackson 5
this man made the first gas mask and t shaped traffic light, who is he
Garret Morgan
their name is a reference in "Ironing Out Boone" and they made the ironing board, who are they?
Sarah Boone
Made the comb or brush
[only one answer is necessary]
Walter Sammons or Lyda Newman