When life gives me lemons, I make Lemonade... I have been nominated 5 times for Album of the Year since 2008. I won my first Grammy for album of the year in 2025.
"I Have a Dream" speech
Did you know that the portion of the speech where MLK says "I have a dream" was improvised?
This former First Lady who launched a campaign called "Let's Move".
Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama started "Let's Move" to help youths get healthier by promoting daily exercise and better meals in schools.
I was the first Black athlete to play first base on the Brooklyn Dodgers from 1947 for 10 seasons.
Jackie Robinson
In 1976 this holiday changed from a weeklong to a month-long celebration.
Black History Month
In honor of SNL's 50th anniversary special, this comedian is the first Black SNL Weekend Update anchor.
Michael Che
I am the first and only Black woman who has won an Oscar for Best Actress, and I still hold that title.
Halle Berry
Halle Berry won the Oscar in 2002.
While his family will celebrate his actual birthday on January 15th, we celebrate it on the third Monday of January every year since 1983.
Martin Luther King Jr.
This musical variety television show was a long running syndication show that featured the top names in R&B, rap music, and top hits.
Soul Train
I was the first Black entertainer that was reached EGOT status. And I did not win my Emmy for the View.
Whoopi Goldberg
This was the organized network of secret routes and safe houses many slaves escape to free states.
The Underground Railroad
In Netflix's show, Self Made, Madam CJ Walker's story of becoming the first Black millionaire by making this product which she made popular before Rogaine or Nutrafol.
Hair growth products
I am the first Black woman who has been appoint to the US Supreme Court and I made history by being the first justice to debut on Broadway in 2024.
Ketanji Brown
She made her Broadway debut the show & Juliet in 2024.
This summer holiday commemorates the date in 1865 when the last US state abolished slavery practices. In 2021, it was declared a federal holiday.
Garrett Morgan witnessed an accident at an intersection between a carriage and a car which inspired him to patent this safety device that drivers commonly use today.
(Claims adjuster all ask about this answer to drivers to determine ROW).
Traffic Light
(specifically he patented the yellow warning light)
Also, he was the first African American to own a car in Cleveland, OH.