Black Inventors & Entertainers
About Black History Month
Black Leaders
Black Women in History

The first African American to play in Major League Baseball in the modern era.

Who was Jackie Robinson?


Black History Month is officially celebrated during this month.

What is February?


He was the first African American elected to be President of the United States.

Who was Barack Obama? 


She was a brave 6 year old and became the first African American student to integrate an elementary school in the South in 1960.


Who was Ruby Bridges?


Granville T. Woods created inventions that helped electric-powered trains run better and more safely. This was his nickname.

Who is the Black Edison?


He is considered the Father of Black History and the person who established Black History Month.

Who is Carter G. Woodson?


She was known as Moses for escaping slavery and then making 13 trips back to the South to help approximately 70 other enslaved people escape to freedom.

Who was Harriet Tubman?


Mae Jemison was the 1st black woman to travel here.

What is Space?


She invented hair products and makeup for black women and was also one of the first black woman millionaires in the United States. 

Who was Madame CJ Walker/Sarah Breedlove? 


Black History Month is in February to honor the birthdays of these TWO notable people in U.S. History.

Who are Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass?


In May 1862, this enslaved sailor stole a Confederate ship in Charleston, South Carolina and sailed his way to freedom with 16 other enslaved people (including his family).

Who was Robert Smalls?


She is the first Black woman to become Vice President of the United States of America.

Who is Kamala Harris?


Garrett Morgan invented this, which is used for safety in streets around the world. 

What is the traffic light or signal?


Black History Month began as "Negro History Week" in this year.

What is 1926?


He said, "If You Can't Fly Then Run, If You Can't Run Then Walk...but Whatever You Do You Have to Keep Moving Forward.”  His birthday is now a Federal Holiday.

Who is Martin Luther King, Jr.?


In 2022, she became the first Black woman to appear on a US coin (quarter).

Who is Maya Angelou?


She grew up in poverty but is now worth billions of dollars and is considered one of the most influential women in the world.  She won the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2013, founded the Oxygen Network, and has her own magazine.

Who is Oprah Winfrey?


Black History Month was officially recognized in the USA by President Gerald Ford in this year.

What was 1976?


She was the first black woman to run for President of the United States.

Who was Shirley Chisolm?


Toni Morrison, Zora Neale Hurston, Maya Angelou, Octavia Butler and Alice Walker are all famous for this reason. 

Who are authors?
