1. When did Black people first begin to live in what is now called Canada?
3. Who was the first Black person to receive the Victoria Cross for bravery in Canada?
Answer: A) William Hall
2. What happened in Canada in 1834 that had a significant impact on Black people?
Answer: B) Slavery was abolished.
2. Who is credited with the invention that led to the expression "the Real McCoy"?
Answer: A) Elijah McCoy
3. What is the goal of the United Nations' International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024)?
Answer: B) To promote greater knowledge of and respect for the heritage, culture, and contributions of people of African descent.
3. What does "discrimination" mean?
Answer: B) Treating people unfairly because of characteristics like age, skin color, or religion.
1. How many brothers from the Carty family of Saint John, N.B. fought in the Second World War?
Name of the first black woman mayor in North America
Daurene Lewis
2. What percentage of Canadians identified as Black in 2016?
Answer: A) 3%
The Year that the Act to Limit Slavery, which gradually abolished in Early Ontario, was created