What is the name of MLK's famous speach?
I have a dream
When did Rosa Park pass away?
The first African American to play Major League Baseball
Jackie Robinson
This person invented Chips!
George Speck (or Crum)
Define Segregation
The separation of the races
How many times was MLK imprisoned?
30 times
Where is Rosa Park from?
Tuskegee, Alabama
This person is one of the most important figures of the Harlem Renaissance
Langston Hughes
This man helped free slaves by shipping them to the north in boxes!
Henry Brown
How many years did Nelson Mandela spend in prison?
27 years
How did MLK die?
He was assassinated
How long was the bus boycott?
388 days!
Contrary to popular belief, this agricultural scientist did NOT invent peanut butter.
George Washington Carver
This performer was also a spy in WW2
Josephine Baker
What is the system of oppression in South Africa
Where is MLK from?
Atlanta, Georgia
What job was Miss Rosa on her way home from, that day?
What ethnicity was Bessie Coleman?
African American and Native
These two people birthdays is why Black History Month is in february
Frederick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln
When was apartheid abolished?
What was MLK's job?
A Minister/ Civil Rights Activist
What did Rosa Parks say to the bus driver when he said he would call the police?
"You can do that"
This African American astronomer published the First Almanacs
The first black female astraunaut
Mae Jamieson
What did Nelson Mandela study?