How it Started
Pop Culture

50 years after the passing of the 13th amendment, what year was Black History Month started, in which it was originally a dedicated week every year? 

What is 1915


Who said, "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." 

Who is Martin Luther King Jr. 


This court case finally put an end to racial segregation in the public school system in 1954

What is Brown v. Board of Education


Considered the greatest all-time, this 6-time NBA champion has a brand named after him and is the current owner of the Charlotte Hornets. 

Who is Michael Jordan


This influential group is depicted in the film, Straight Outta Compton, and gave rise to the careers of individuals like Ice Cube and Dr. Dre

Who is N.W.A


This President, in 1976, officially recognized Black History Month as a month long celebration. 

Who is Gerald Ford


Who said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"

Who is Nelson Mandela


This agricultural scientist was responsible for creating over 500 products by utilizing sweet potatoes and peanuts, like oils, paints, and soaps. 

Who is George Carver


Known for breaking the color barrier in Major League Baseball, this individual was the first Black player to win the MVP when he played for the Brooklyn Dodgers

Who is Jackie Robinson


This famous poet, born in 1902, was an activist for Black Rights' through works like, Let America be America Again and Harlem

Who is Langston Hughes


Many countries celebrate Black History Month, but not all are in February. Can you name one that celebrates in the month of October?

What is the U.K, Netherlands, Ireland

What poet said, "Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly."

Who is Langston Hughes


This President, in 1948, signed an official executive order that ended racial discrimination within the military

Who is Harry Truman


In the 2012 Olympics, she became the first Black woman gymnast to win the gold medal in the All-Around 

Who is Gabby Douglas


In 1973, for his album, Innervisions, he became the first Black artist to ever win a Grammy for Album of the year

Who is Stevie Wonder


In what year was the NAACP founded, which was the centennial of Abraham Lincolns birth year? 

What is 1909


What civil rights activist said, “You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.”

Who is Malcom X


In what year did the first Black lawyer receive his license? (hint: pre Civil-War in Massachusetts)

What is 1845

Who was the first Black male to win the singles title at these three major Tennis events: U.S open, Wimbledon, and the Australian Open

Who is Arthur Ashe


This film, released in 2016, depicts three Black women who were instrumental mathematicians in the early days of the NASA program

What is 'Hidden Figures'


This individual is given credit with founding Black History Month, along with establishing many avenues through which Black scholars could publish their studies and findings

Who is Carter Woodson


What female poet said, “You can only become accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you.”

Who is Maya Angelou


Who was the first Black woman to ever be named to a cabinet position of a U.S President during Jimmy Carter's term

Who is Patricia R. Harris


Willie O'Rhee was the first Black athlete in the National Hockey League. What northeast team did he play for?

Who are the Boston Bruins


This artist is known as the "Queen of Soul", and she paved the way for modern day female pop singers by combining her gospel background with an R&B style

Who is Aretha Franklin
