What was Harriet Tubman's nickname?
Name the colors on the stoplight in order from top to bottom.
Red, yellow, green
Who was the 1st President of the United States?
George Washington
Solve: 12 + 5 + 1 = ?
How many kids are in 204?
What famous invention did Garrett Morgan create? We still use it today!
The stoplight
Harriet Tubman was an inventor. True or false?
Who was the 16th President of the United States?
Abraham Lincoln
What are these types of equations called?
Doubles equations
Who teaches Music at Lincoln?
Mr. Brummitt
George Washington Carver was an astronaut. True or false?
Describe what the Underground Railroad was.
The Underground Railroad was a group of people who worked to help slaves escape the South to freedom in the North. It was not a real train or underground.
Who did George Washington fight against during the American Revolution?
The British
What are the three types of matter?
Solids, liquids, gases
Name the colors in rainbow order (there are 7).
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
What is the name of Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous speech?
The "I Have a Dream" speech
Elijah McCoy invented the automatic oil cup. True or false?
He helped to end slavery in the United States.
Solve: 4 + 8 + 10
How many cats does Mrs. Klotz have?
What two famous inventions did Elijah McCoy create? We still use them today!
Tire treads and rubber shoe soles
What three crops is George Washington Carver famous for making many different products and inventions with?
Peanuts, soybeans, sweet potatoes
What war was George Washington a general in?
The American Revolution
How do objects make sound?
By vibrating back and forth
Name all of the students in our class whose names start with the letters "L" and "M."
Lianna, Miron, Mason