This mindset means we keep trying, even if it feels hard.
Self Discipline
This famous black rapper performed in the superbowl this year.
Kendrick Lamar
Black National Anthem
This is the name of our mascot.
This sponge lives in a pineapple under the sea.
Spongebob Squarepants
This mindset means we do our best to stay focused in school and complete our work.
This is the name of the jamaican musician who sang the song "One Love."
Bob Marley
These two students are the hosts of our show.
Ameerah and Jorge
Cafeteria or Lunch Room
This is the name of an adventurer with a purple backpack.
Dora the Explorer
Gareth really wanted to talk to a friend during the test, but he took a deep breath and stayed focused on his work instead. What crescendo mindset was he showing?
Self Discipline
This is the name of the famous music group who made the song "Fight the Power."
Public Enemy
This famous song for Africa was performed by 4th grade.
We Are The World
This is the name of the playground by our school where some kids play during recess.
This is the name of a builder who can fix it.
Bob The Builder
Johnny worked with his group to share ideas and come up with the answer to a really tricky math problem. What crescendo mindset was he showing?
This is the name of the Motown singer who performed the song "Ain't No Mountain High Enough."
Marvin Gaye
This grade performed the song "Aint No Mountain High Enough."
This is the name of our school principal.
Mrs. Saretzky
This is the name of a curious and adventurous monkey.
Curious George
Olivia worked really hard to grow in her reading level. Now she knows she can do it and believes she can be a really strong reader! What crescendo mindset is she showing?
This is the name of the poet who wrote the poem "Hey Black Child."
Maya Angelou
This is the name of the famous singer of the song One Love (performed by Kindergarten).
Bob Marley
This is the name of the street our school is on (think of the main entrance).
Covert St.
This is the name of the leader of a group of puppies in the show "Paw Patrol."