Brown v. Board of Education was a landmark of year __________. The Supreme Court that ruled racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional.
Determine what year Frederick M Jones invented the air conditioning unit
(2000 - 100) + (5 × 9)
In 2023, over ______ of NBA players were African American.
20 + 40 (2) - 30
Dr. Martin Luther King was a spokesman and leader during the Civil Rights movement. If you triple 643 you will determine the year he was born.
(2000 - 100) + (7 × 3)
Jonesville was about _____ acres
The product 5 and 6
The earliest land deed for Jonesville Dates back to
(10)(100) + 8(100) + 8(10) + 1
Granville T Woods invented many things such as the roller coster, the telephone system, and many more. Evaluate the expression to determine the amount of patents he received.
The product of 3 and x where x=9
Jalen hurts threw ____ interceptions in the 2024 NFL season.
Double 4 and take away the second odd number.
WEB. Du Bois was a sociologist, historian, and editor who cofounded the NAACP in this year.
The first two digits have a sum of 10. The third number is a magic placeholder. The fourth number is the same as the second.
Solve to determine the percent of BLACK doctors that have graduated from an HBCU
This number is a multiple of 10 and if you add its numbers you get half of 10.
At it's height, Jonesville has ______ amount of houses and was home to many families.
Triple 20. Then add the quotient of 10 and 2.
3(15) - 10 ÷ 2
Frederick M Jones created 60 patents in his lifetime. Determine how many of those patents were in the field of refrigeration
Jackie Robinson was the 1st African American to play in Major League Baseball. Solve this equation to find out how many home runs he hit during his career:
411 = 3x
Ida Wells was an American investigative journalist, educator, and early leader in the civil rights movement. Determine the age she became a teacher to take care of her siblings.
4 squared
Guion Bluford became the first black man to enter space. Substitute 6 in for x to determine how many hours of his career he would spend in space.
100 · x + 12x + 20 - 4
In this year, The City of Bowling Green directed a campaign of urban renewal that demolished Jonesville and removed its people.
37 fewer than the product of 2 and 1000.
Thomas Jennings He created “dry scouring” which has been very influential on today’s dry cleaning. Solve the equation to determine the year he was the first black man to be granted a patent.
Solve to determine how many passing touchdowns Lamar Jackson has thrown in his career.
53 + 9(5) - 22
On a typical (median) day, #BlackLivesMatter appears in about ________ tweets as users discuss topics such as racism, violence and the criminal justice system.
Triple 800 then add half of 1200
After _____ presidents, Barack Obama became the first African American president.
This number is prime. The sum of the numbers is 7. The product of the numbers is 12.
This was the year that Mary Jane Patterson became the first African American woman to earn a college degree.
(4000 ÷ 2) + (75 × 8) - (10 × 13)
From 1870 to 1940, Black people living in the North were _______ times more likely to be awarded a patent than Black people living in the South.
52 - 7 - 5(2)
Kobe Bryant scored a total of _______ points in his regular seasons.
Take half of 67,286
The Black Panther Party was a Marxist–Leninist and black power political organization founded by college students Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton October ___ in Oakland, California.
(3² + 4) × 2 - 3
The number of Black people living in the United States reached a new high of _____ million in 2023
The tens place: double 2
The ones place: half of 16
The tenths place: the quotient of 30 & 10