Black Detroit
Science & Inventions
Business Leaders
Black Culture
MLK delivered this speech first in Detroit, before taking it to Washington.
What is "I Have a Dream"
Widowed at 20, this Louisiana-born inventor supported herself and her daughter as a washerwoman. In the early 1900s she developed a hair care system and other beauty products. Her business, headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, amassed a fortune, and she became a generous patron of many black charities.
What is Madame CJ Walker.
A proud alum of Detroit Public Schools, La June Montgomery Tabron is the President and CEO of this major foundation. Oh, and she's also our honoree at this year's Red Jacket Gala.
What is the W.K. Kellogg Foundation
This poet is famous for her book “I know why the caged bird sings”
What is Maya Angelou.
This TV show was known for characters such as JJ, Thelma, Florida, & Penny.
What is Good Times
Founded by Barry Gordy in 1959, this company became one of the most successful black-owned companies in the nation, and cultivated the careers of music greats such as Diana Ross and Michael Jackson.
What is MoTown
In 2001, US President George W. Bush appointed this astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, and science communicator to serve on the Commission on the Future of the United States Aerospace Industry and in 2004 to serve on the "Moon, Mars, and Beyond" commission. Soon afterward he was awarded the NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal, the highest civilian honor bestowed by NASA.
What is Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Oprah, the first female Black billionaire -- studied communication at this historical black college.
What is Tennessee State University.
Alice Walker wrote this historical book, which was later turned into a movie, and Broadway musical starring Jennifer Hudson?
What is The Color Purple.
This singer played the first Black Cinderella on Disney.
What is Brandy.
In 1974, he was elected as the first black mayor of Detroit.
What is Coleman A. Young
Known as the "plant doctor"-- this historical figure displayed a strong desire for knowledge from an early age and took particular interest in plants. As a young boy he was regularly called upon by neighbors to "cure" ailing plants.
What is George Washington Carver.
Looking for vacation ideas? Book a cruise on this cruise line, led by CEO, Arnold W. Donald.
What is Carnival Cruises.
Richard Wright wrote this memoir detailing his youth and his eventual move to Chicago, where he established his writing career.
What is Black Boy.
A popular dance that’s also a slang term for a car.
What is "The Whip"
This comedy sitcom was set and filmed in Detroit.
What is Martin.
He is known to have first achieved the feat of performing open heart surgery on a young Black man named James Cornish, who was stabbed in the chest in a bar fight.
What is Dr. Daniel Hale Williams.
Ursula Burns, the first Black-American female CEO of a Fortune 500 company -- leads this Rochester, New York based company, whose slogan used to be "The Document People."
What is Xerox.
"When Janie, at sixteen, is caught kissing shiftless Johnny Taylor, her grandmother swiftly marries her off to an old man with sixty acres. Janie endures two stifling marriages before meeting the man of her dreams, who offers not diamonds, but a packet of flowering seeds ..." what is this 1937 novel by writer Zora Neale Hurston called.
What is Their Eyes Were Watching God.
This goes best with beans or greens.
What is Cornbread
This Detroit native refused to give up her bus seat to a white passenger in Alabama, which spurred a nation-wide effort to end segregation of public facilities.
What is Rosa Parks
This man was referred to as the "First Negro Man of Science"
What is Benjamin Banneker
In September 2013, he became the first black President of the Ford Foundation. Less than one year later, the foundation contributed $125 million to the "Grand Bargain" in Detroit. Get a meeting with him and the Devo team will love you forever.
What is Darren Walker.
“We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller. We say to girls, you can have ambition, but not too much. You should aim to be successful, but not too successful. Otherwise, you would threaten the man." This quote featured in the song Flawless by Beyonce, is written by what Nigerian author.
What is Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
Kwanzaa, a celebration to honor African heritage and is observed from December 26 to January 1, focuses on which 7 principles.
What is Umoja, Kujichagulia, Ujima, Ujamaa, Nia, Kuumba, & Imani.