Time of the Civil Rights Movement, a time period of the movement in which African Americans fought for basic human rights while asserting the rebirth of Black identity.
What is the 1950s and 1960s?
The time period of the Harlem Renaissance or "New Birth of the Negro".
What was 1918 to 1937?
A poet, activist, & playwright known as the voice of the Harlem Renaissance he is known for his writings that pointed out social injustices in America. Writings such as "I too", "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" and "Mother to Son".
Who was Langston Hughes?
These college students became the grassroots of the Civil Rights Movement. There organization began in Greensboro, North Carolina. They helped with voter registration and organized the famous lunch counter sit-ins to protest segregation.
What was the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee aka SNCC?
On March 7, 1965 Dr. King lead the monumental March from Selma to Montgomery. This March became known as __________ , due to the brutal force and violence against the participants.
What was "Bloody Sunday"?
The U.S. Supreme Court decision that made segregation in schools illegal.
What is the Brown vs. Board of Education?
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People which began in 1909 is also known as the _____________.
What is the NAACP?
The first major writer of the "New Negro Movement"/Harlem Renaissance displaying an artistic demand for action against racial injustice. The of "We Must Die" and articles for the NAACP's The Crisis.
Who was Claude McKay?
In 1912 he formed the Association for the study of African American Life and History.
In 1926 he was responsible for the creation of Negro History Week which came to be Black History Month, he was also the author of the Journal of Negro History.
Who was Dr. Carter G. Woodson?
This activist and leader, known for his work in the Civil Rights Movement he was the chairman of SNCC and worked very closely with Dr. King. He coined the phrase "Good Trouble" he later became a U.S. Representative for the state of Georgia.
Who was John Lewis?
The decision of Brown vs. Board of Education took place in this year.
What is 1954?
The movement the took place from 1910 to 1970 in which African Americans moved away from the Rural South.
What was the Great Migration?
This took place in 1850 and required that slaves be returned to their owners, even if found in free states. This generated mass travel on the Underground Railroad.
What is the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850?
This holiday became official on January 1, 1980 it celebrates African American freedom and reinforces the idea that the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 did not bring immediate freedom to Black people in the U.S.
What is Juneteenth? (Celebrated on June 19th)
Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, and Stokely Carmichael were founders and major participants in this organization that began in 1966 that stressed pride, self-determination, and "by any means necessary".
What is the Black Panther Party?
The Harlem Renaissance is also known as this.
What is the "New Negro Movement?
This activist is known for creating the "Back to Africa Movement" which raised awareness of the importance of African ancestry and traditions for Black people in America.
Who was Marcus Garvey?
This film was released on February 8, 1915. It helped shaped several negative stereotypes of African Americans. It made people believe A. Americans were lazy and hostile. This film also caused the rebirth of the KKK. Many people protested against this racist and inaccurate film.
What is The Birth of a Nation?
This was an African American Newspaper founded by Robert Abbott in 1905, becoming a leading voice in promoting the "Negro Exodus" aka The Great Migration.
What was the Chicago Defender?
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an advocate for peaceful protest and "turning the other cheek". Dr. King accredited these beliefs to someone he admired and saw many successes from this individuals strong peaceful beliefs and practices.
Who was Mahatma Gandhi?
The author of the Souls of Black Folks published in 1903, played a major role in defining problems of Black identity and the importance of Black people in America.
Who was W.E.B. DuBois?
He was a lawyer and the author of Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man (1912) and Fifty Years and Other Poems (1917). Which were major pieces of literature during the Harlem Renaissance.
Who was James Weldon Johnson?
The bestselling author of the book Up From Slavery (1900) inspired many Black people to acquire a trade. He went on to become the president of Alabama's Tuskegee Institute. (W.E.B. DuBois opposed many of his views.)
Who was Booker T. Washington?
This reverend worked very closely with Dr. King and organizing the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). Best known for his role in the famous Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955-56) and the March on Washington (1963).
Who was Reverend Ralph Abernathy?
This was a project designed to draw the nation's attention to the violent oppression faced by African Americans in the South. Participants in this project became known as "Freedom Riders".
What was The 1964 Freedom Summer?