What he invented: The 3-signal traffic light (with red, yellow, and green lights)
Why he invented it: To prevent car accidents at busy intersections
When he invented it: 1923
Garrett A. Morgan - Traffic Light
What he invented: The automatic clothes dryer
Why he invented it: To make drying clothes faster and easier without hanging them outside
When he invented it: June 7, 1892
What would the world be like without it? We'd have to hang clothes outside to dry, even on rainy or cold days!
George T. Sampson - Automatic Clothes Dryer
What she invented: Research that led to caller ID, call waiting, and fiber optic cables
Why she invented it: To improve communication and help people know who’s calling
When she invented it: 1970s
Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson - Caller ID & Call Waiting
What she invented: The modern ironing board
Why she invented it: To help iron clothes more neatly, especially sleeves and dresses
When she invented it: April 26, 1892
Sarah Boone - Ironing Board
What he invented: Helped develop one of the first minicomputers at Hewlett-Packard
Why he invented it: To make computers smaller, faster, and more powerful
When he invented it: 1960s
Roy L. Clay - Early Computer Technology
Player Piano Improvements
What he invented: Improvements for the self-playing piano (player piano)
Why he invented it: To help people control the music better, even if they couldn’t play the piano
When he invented it: June 11, 1912
Joseph Dickson
What she invented: The first home security system with cameras and two-way communication
Why she invented it: To feel safer at home, especially in high-crime areas
When she invented it: 1966
Mary Van Brittan Brown - Home Security System
What he invented: Potato chips (yep, the snack you love!)
Why he invented it: By accident—he made them super thin and crispy when a customer complained about thick fries
When he invented it: In the 1900s
George Crum - Potato Chips
What he invented: The electret microphone used in phones, cameras, and hearing aids
Why he invented it: To make microphones smaller, cheaper, and better for everyday devices
When he invented it: 1960s
James West - Electret Microphone
What he invented: Helped create the first color computer monitor and gigahertz computer chip
Why he invented it: To make computers faster and more colorful
When he invented it: 1980s-1990s
Mark Dean - Color PC Monitor & Fast Computer Chips
What she invented: The illusion transmitter, making 3D images possible
Why she invented it: To improve satellite images and create cool 3D effects
When she invented it: 1980
Valerie Thomas - 3D Imaging Technology
He developed more than 300 products made from peanuts, from food items to medicinal products like rubbing oil and emulsions for bronchitis, and even dyes, paints, and stains, among others.He also discovered hundreds more uses for soybeans, pecans and sweet potatoes.
George Washington Carver