I was born at night...
But it wasn't last night
Who's catchprase is "Some Motherf*ckers are always trying to ice skate uphill"
What do you say when someone owes you money
Run Me My Money
Who was the first black POTUS
Barack Obama
What is the number one HBCU in America
Howard University
Your mom is trying to keep the boundary that she is indeed your mom
I ain't one of your little friends
What MCU character takes over the position of a previous white co-star
The Falcon
You choppin it up with somebody and they speaking straight facts
You Aint Never Lie
Who was the first black VP
Kamala Harris
How many countries are there in Africa
When do you need to be home by
When the streetlights come on
Who was DC's first black superhero
Black Lightning
What your parent says after you act up
Go Get My Belt
Who was the first Black Supreme Court justice
Thurgood Marshall
What was the first HBCU in America
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
she's tryna tell you she's not an idiot
I aint Boo-Boo the fool
Who was the first back superhero on TV
( Carl Winston Lumbly)
What your mom would say to you as a kid when you were running around
Go Somewhere And Sit Down
How many black Supreme Court justices have there been
What is the collective name of the Black Greek Letter organizations
The Divine nine
You're REALLY messing with her
I ain't the one
Lion Man
What you say when someone does something good
You Did That
Who was the first black federal Judge
Constance Baker Motley
As of 2023 what percentage of people in PA are black
(1.31 Million people)