What is Essence of Troy's original name?
Prancing T-ettes
What year did Essence first dance to "Boogie Oogie?
What year was VSU founded?
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was from which side of Philly?
This memorable show about a successful drycleaner and his wife “movin’ on up” to a luxury Manhattan apartment. Name the show.
The Jeffersons
What year was Essence of Troy founded?
Name every song a dance feature has been by Whitney Houston?
I'm Your Baby Tonight (2006) , Dance with Somebody (2012) , So Emotional (2010)
What river flows closest to VSU?
Appomattox River
Which floor did Bruh-Man live on?
The fifth floor
This threat is used by mothers usually when their authority is questioned. Don't forget she brought you into this world _______.
"I brought you into this world i can take you out!"
How many years has the Trojan Explosion been to Honda Battle of the Bands?
This routine was choreographed to a song by Michael Jackson that tells the story of a woman who causes trouble, and he warns her to stay away. What is the title of the song?
Dirty Diana
How many years has the Trojan Explosion marched for VSU?
What college do the students attend in A Different World?
Hillman College
How you gonna win, when you ain't right within? How you gonna win, when you ain't right within? How you gonna win, when you ain't right within? Who sang this song?
Lauryn Hill
How many EOT Members went on to dance on professional sports teams? Name each of them.
8, Erica, Shericka, Amber, Cayla, Keisha, Diamond, Michelle, Demetria
What legacy dance battle's are EOT known for?
2 - Labor Day Classic against NSU and 5th Quarter against Bowie State University
What Hall on campus is known to be the center of students gathering?
Foster Hall
Love it or hate it, no African-American sitcom has ever been more popular, financially successful or culturally significant as this one.
The Cosby Show
The process that typically involved using gel/___ control, water and a toothbrush to slick down baby-hairs.
How many members were on the first squad?
Five members
Name the 5 categories of routines that Essence of Troy does?
Stands, Street, Slow, Ripples and Field
Name the street that runs through campus?
University Avenue
What is the name of the sitcom that was a spin-off of Moesha?
The Parkers
Created special products for African-American hair, then became the first American self-made woman millionaire.
Madame C.J Walker