Give the English word for "abolir".
What's the English for "ségrégation raciale"?
Racial segregation
When was the Civil Rights Act passed?
In 1964
Why was Obama's election as the POTUS so significant?
Because it marks a turning point in the history of the African-American community, the achievement of this long struggle for equality / they achieved the goal of the CR activits like MLK, Rosa PArks, etc.
When is Martin Luther King Day and why was this date chosen?
It's celebrated around January 15th, the birth date of MLK.
Give a synonym for "a fight".
a struggle
What's the English for "vivre selon les règles".
Live by the rules
When did the Civil Rights movement start?
In the mid-1950s
What is the Civil Rights Act?
It's a law that makes every discrimination based on gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, skin colour illegal.
Explain briefly what was the Civil Rights Movement.
It was a non-violent movement against racism and racial segregation which aimed at allowing African-American people to challenge the American society and to get equal rights.
Give the English word for "contre toutes attentes".
Against all odds
Give a synonym to "People were forbidden to mix"
To mingle
When did the Black Lives Matter Movement begin?
In 2013
Explain the concept of racial segregation with your own words (when it started, why, etc).
Racial segregation started right after the end of the Civil War in 1865. It is based on the division of society according to people's skin colour / origines. Black people were forbidden to use public facilities like transports, restaurants, shops or whatever. They were not considered as American citizens and so they could not use the rights they gained at the end of the Civil War in 1865.
Who was Martin Luther King Jr?
He was an African-American Civil Rights activist, a leader of this movement who fought to defend the rights of minorities and get them more equality. He was a pacifist pastor who used speeches, marches and other peaceful means to protest against racism and segregation.
Give the English for "un jour de deuil national".
National Day of Mourning
Give the English expression to say "les violences policières".
Police brutality
When did Martin Luther King Jr do his famous "I have a Dream" speech? (month + year)
In August 1963
What is the Black Lives Matter Movement and why was it started?
It's a political and social movement that aims at highlighting racism, discrimination and racial inequalities, experienced by Black people. They also want to denounce racially-motivated violence and police brutality. It started after the killings of several African Americans like Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, etc.
Who was Claudette Colvin?
She was the very first woman to refuse to let her seat to a white man on a segregated bus in March 1955. She had done it 6 months before Rosa Parks did.
Give the English equivalent for "un fardeau".
What's the expression in English to say "empêcher quelqu'un de faire quelque chose"
Prevent somebody from doing something.
When did Rosa Parks refuse to leave her seat on a segregated bus? (Month + year)
In December 1955
Who was Cora Brown and what makes her so special?
She was the first African-American woman to be elected at the Senate in 1954. It was amazing because she lived in a segregated country and she was a woman. At the time, it was a double bruden to be an African-American woman to live in a both sexist and racist society.
Explain who was Jim Crow and what are the Jim Crow Laws.
Jim Crow was a character invented and performed by a white man in black face to entertain white audiences. He represented a caricature of Black people. It became a pejorative term, the equivalent of "negro" today. It is also the name given to the time period that extended from the after-CW period to the 20th century. During this period Black people endured the Jim Crow Laws, keeping Black and White people seperated in all the spheres of life.