this food is on the black people song we mainly use it in our vines and it is unhealthy.We get it mild,hot,and spicy
What is fried chicken
casper slide
a watch you keep staring at and may go blind
What is Rolex
first African American president
Who is Barack Obama
family with a doctor, lawyer and five kids
hustables - cosby show
its sometimes bitter or sweet red in the inside and we mostly black people can't live without it
What is watermelon
old schoolers do this
oldies and _____
person to play cookie in empire
Who is Taraji P Henson
they moved up to the east side
its a type of drink that was popular in the 80s (still is today) comes in many different flavours and we add a whole bunch of sugar
What is kool aid
dance you see at church
shout - holy ghost
finish the lyrics... wanna be starting something...
got to be starting something
the year MLK was killed
in this sitcom Marla G was an inner-city resident gossip and housewife
is a type of bread that yellow and buttermilk
What is cornbread
electric slide
finish the lyrics...Woe uo woe ue
you got the best of my love
first African American women with 1 billion dollars
Who is Oprah Winfrey
sitcom where he and his son salvaged things
Sanford and son
type of pie that made out of sweet potato
What is sweet potato pie
dance all join in to do at a party - named after a show
soul train line
finish the lyrics...sitting in the park...
waiting for you
came up with hair products during slavery and became a very wealthy woman
Who is Madam CJ. Walker
a family of 7 that deals with problems in their life
What is Black-ish