In 1700, this person was the first public official to "outrightly" denounce slavery when he published, The Story of Joseph. In this story, he compared slavery to the Old Testament story of Joseph whose brothers were sold into slavery for 20 pieces of silver. Name the public official and the colony where he lived.
Who is Judge Samuel Sewell of Massachusetts?
This African American golfer has won all foru grand slam golf titles, the Master, the U.S. Open, the British Open and the PGA Championship. He is the youngest golfer to accomplish this extraordinary feat. Name this golfer.
Who is Tiger Woods?
In 1842, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that slave owners might recover fugitive enslaved blacks from any state, and the state could neither help nor hinder the enslaved person. On the other hand, some interpreted the decision a blow to slaveholders on the basis that state officials were not authorized to return fugitive slaves to their owners.
What is Prigg vs.Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ?
This African American is considered the wealthiest female entertainer in the world. Her television show has won more than 30 Emmy awards and she earned an Academy Award nomination for her role in the film, The Color Purple. She owns her own production company, Harpo Productions, which produces TV specials, movies, and videos. She gives generously to educational causes. Name her.
Who is Oprah Winfrey?
This African American writer's autobiography is I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. She has also written poetry and scripts for films and acted in the movie Roots. She read one of her poems, "On the Pulse of Morning" at the inauguration of Bill Clinton as President of the United States. Name her.
Who is Maya Angelou?
In 1783, this wealthy free black merchant and other free blacks of Dartmouth, Massachusetts protested to the state legislature that they were being taxed without representation. The courts decided that black men who paid taxes in Massachusetts could vote there. Name this merchant and leader.
Who is Paul Cuffe?
In the 1996 Olympic games in Atlanta, Georgia, this African American became the first male ever to win the gold medal in both the 200- and 400- meter races. In 2000, he was also the first male to repeat as Olympic champion in the 400-meter race. He was known for his golden shoes. Name him.
Who is Michael Johnson?
In 1857 this US Supreme Court decision effectively denied citizenship to African Americans by rejecting this person's claim to freedom. Chief Justice Roger Taney gave the majority opion:"slaveholders had the right to take human merchandise to any part of the union, and that this black man had no right to even bring suit". The Fugitive Slave Lawo fo 1850 was upheld. This person sued for his freedom because, although he was born a slve in Virginia, he was later take to the free state of Illinois. Name the case.
What is Dred Scott vs. Sanford?
After graduating from college, this African American trained at the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco. His big role came in A Soldier’s Story (1984). This successful African American actor has received Academy Award nominations five times, for Glory, Cry Freedom, Malcolm X, Hurricane, and Training Day. He won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in Glory and in 2002 a Best Actor Academy Award for Training Day. Name him.
Who is Denzel Washington?
This African American woman was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1998—the first African American to be awarded this distinction. She was born Chloe Anthony Wofford in 1931. During her life, she has been an educator, writer, and 15 years as editor at Random House Publishing Company. Some of her most popular publications include The Bluest Eye in 1970, followed by Song of Solomon (1977), Tar Baby (1981), and Beloved (1987). Name this author.
Who is Toni Morrison?
This Quaker merchant moved to Wilmington, Deleware in 1822. He strongly opposed slavery and joined the Pennyslvania Abolition Society. This abolitionist became a "conductor" on the Underground Railroad by turning his home in Wilmington into the last station on the Underground Railroad. In 1848 he was convicted and fined for hiding runaways and his iron busy went backrupt. Name him.
Who is Thomas Garrett?
In 1984, this African American athlete was the first track star since Jesse Owens in 1936 to win four gold medals in a single Olympic competition. He set Olmpic records in two of the gold medal events, the 200-meter dash and the 400-meter relay. He won his fourth straight Olympic gold medal in the long jump in the Atlanta Olympic games. He became only the fourth man ever to win nine gold medals at the summer games.
Who is Carl Lewis.
W In 1944, a black woman brought suit after being arrested and fined $10 for refusing to move to the back of the bus. This woman refused go give up her seat on a crowded Greyhound bus to a white couple. The bus driver drove to the nearest jail in Saluda, VA where the 27 year old mother of 2 was arrested. She pleaded guilty to resisting arrest but not violationing VA's ordinance. Two NAACP lawyers, Thurgood Marshall and WiLLiam H. Hastie took it to the Supreme Court. This case was 11 years before Rosa Parks arrest in Montgomery, Alabama. Name the woman and th court case?
Who was Irene M. Morgan (later Irene M. Kirklady) Morgan vs. Commonwealth of Virginia
This African American began acting in school plays. After four years in the Air Force, he took acting classes. He became known in 1967 when he co-starred with Pearl Bailey in an all-black version of Hello Dolly! He became a regular on the children’s program The Electric Company and earned a Tony award and three Obie awards for his Broadway performances, including his portrayal of Hoke in the play Driving Miss Daisy. In the movie version, he won a Golden Globe award. He also starred in Glory and earned an Oscar nomination. In 1995, he was nominated again for an Academy Award for his role in the Shawshank Redemption, and in 2005 won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his role in Million Dollar Baby. Name this actor.
Who is Morgan Freeman?
In 1987, this African American poet won the Pulitzer Prize for her collection of poetry titled Thomas and Beulah (1986). Her other writings include Yellow House on the Corner (1980), Fifth Sunday (1985), and Grace Notes (1989). In her works, she explores the nuances of cultural history. In 1993, she was named Poet Laureate of the United States--a position she held to 1995. She has authored six volumes of poetry, a novel, a collection of short stories, and a play. She is now a Commonwealth Professor of English at the University of Virginia. Name her.
Who is Rita Dove?
This abolitionist, a lawyer in the Kentucky Legislature in 1816 and later elected to the Alabama Legislature in 1819, became a strong opponent of slavery. After starting his abolitionist newspaper, the Philanthropist, he became a noted member of the American Anti Slavery Society and was Executive Secretary. The Liberty party selected him as their presidential candidate. Name him.
Who is James Birney?
In 1989, the major league baseball history was made when this father and son are both active in the majors at the same time. Name the father and son.
Who is Ken Griffey, Sr and Ken Griffey, Jr.?
In this case, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that agreements (covenants) that restricted certain homes or tracts of land from use and occupancy by black people and Asian people could not be enforced. Name this case.
What is Shelley vs. Kraemer?
In 1965, this African American starred with Robert Culp in a weekly television show called "I Spy" which earned him three Emmy awards. He previously had won six Grammy awards for Best Comedy Album. Over the years, he had two television sitcoms, both enjoying some of the highest ratings in television history. His influence on the African American image has been especially positive on TV -- a medium that many blacks believe distorts and presents negative stereotypes of black people. He has published a number of books that attracted black and nonblack audiences—Fatherhood (1985), Time Flies (1987), and Love and Marriage (1989). Today, he is a respected humanitarian. He and his wife have given millions of dollars to African American institutions. He is now conducting a “call out” to young black boys and girls throughout the country to bring awareness to the deep-seated poverty and its consequences on African American and African American communities. Name him.
Who is Bill Cosby?
This African American writer studied black folklore. Among her notable books are Tell My Horse (1930), Jonah's Gourd Vine (1934), Mules and Men (1937), and Their Eyes Were Watching God (1938). Name this important African American writer.
Who is Zora Neale Hurston?
This white lawyer was a strong abolitionist and member of the Anti-Slavery Society. He defended so many re-captured enslaved blacks that he became known as "the attorney general for runaway negroes". In 1849, he was elected the the US Senate. In 1855, he was elected the governor of Ohio and as a founding member of the Republican Party. He clashed with Lincoln but was more critical of Andrew Johnson. Name the national leader.
Who is Samuel P. Chase?
In 1960, this African American athlete won the track and field Olympic gold medals in the 100 meter, 200 meter and 4X400 women's relay race. She was selectd "Female Athlete of the Year" by the Associated Press. She had overcome the effects of polio as a child. She was a "Tigerbelle", the name given to members of the Tennesee State University Track team. Name her.
Who is Wilma Rudolph?
On May 17, 1954, this important U.S. Supreme Court decision declared "racial segregation in public schools is unconstitutional." The decision reversed the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling that declared “separate, but equal” doctrine of 1896. Earl Warren, the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court said, "In the field of public education, the doctrine of separate but equal has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.” Name this important case.
What is Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas?
In 1985, this African American actor received a Tony Award for his role in August Wilson's Pulitzer Prize-winning drama, Fences. He has appeared in more than 50 plays and is known internationally for his role of Othello. He played Jack Johnson, the heavyweight champion in the Broadway hit, The Great White Hope, for which he earned a Tony award in 1969 and was nominated for a Best Actor Oscar in 1970. He was the voice of Darth Vader in the popular Star Wars series. He is the recipient of many other awards including the National Medal of the Arts award. Name this great actor.
Who is James Earl Jones?
Native Son, a "black protest" novel became an immediate bestseller in 1940. As a result, the author became internationally renowned and the first black writer to have a novel become a Book-of-the-Month Club selection. In collaboration with Paul Green, this writer brought this compelling story to the St. James Theatre on March 24, 1941.
Who is Richard Wright?