Future Careers
Black Inventions
Women Pioneers
Future Devices
Future Opportunities

What career lets you build new apps and applications?

A. Software Developer 

B. Software Tester 

C. Software User 

Software Developer 

Coding is fast becoming one of the most sought-after skills for technology companies and between researcher groups. In a survey of over 500 tech workers and employers by Remote, 37% of respondents said that software developers will be the most important tech job in the future. That makes software developers the most highly-ranked job overall in the survey.


Where was chess invented? 

A. Haiti 

B. Africa 

C. Cuba 



In 1995, President Bill Clinton selected who to serve as the chairperson of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, becoming the first woman to do so. Then In 2014, President Barack Obama tapped her to co-chair the President's Intelligence Review Board, a group that advises the president on "the quality and adequacy of intelligence collection, counterintelligence, and other intelligence activities." 

A. Shirley Ann Jackson  

B.Mary Eliza Mahoney  

C. Mary Jackson

Shirley Ann Jackson 


What Future Devices are going to bring animals back to life? 

A. Necrobotics 

B. A teleport 

C. A Frankeinstein Maker!


This is one way to describe the idea of necrobotics which, as the name suggests, involves turning dead things into robots. While this sounds like a plot to a creepy horror film, this is a technology being explored at Rice University.

A team of researchers turned a dead spider into a robot-like gripper, given the ability to pick up other objects. To achieve this, they take a spider and inject it with air. This works because spiders use hydraulics to force their version of blood (haemolymph) into their limbs, making them extend.


What will be a future opportunity in the future for elderly and disabled people?

A. 3D printed bones 

B. walkers 

c. 50 mile an hour wheelchairs 

3d Printed bones 


What Career will let you enter a virtual world and work in a video game?

A. A Gamer 

B. A Virtual Reality tester 

C. A Robot 

Virtual reality jobs

If we had to choose an industry that’s going to be booming for the next few decades, virtual reality feels like a pretty good bet. The latest statistics show that the global market size of AR and VR is forecast to reach $296.9 billion in 2024, compared to the $30.7 billion market size that was registered in 2021. That’s nearly a tenfold increase.


Where were potato chips invented by a black man? 

A. Dallas 

B. New York 

C. Chicago 

New York 

George Crum was working as a chef at a resort in New York. A customer sent his dish of french fries back to the kitchen, claiming that they weren’t good. In an irritated fit, Crum cut the potatoes as thinly as possible, fried them until they were burnt crisps, and threw a generous handful of salt on top. Thus, the chip was born.


In hopes of avoiding discrimination that was rampant in the public sphere, who became a private nurse, often to rich white families along the East Coast. In 1908, she co-founded the National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses. 

A. Mary Jackson 

B. Mary Eliza Mahoney 

C. Marian Croak 

Mary Eliza Mahoney 


What future devices will allow others to walk and move when paralyzed?

A. Exo-skeleton 

b. Robo arms 

C. Transformers 

Intelligent Exo-Skeletons 

Most notably in recent years, we have seen the technology now become more readily available for the young. The Atlas 2030 is described as the most advanced mobile medical exo-skeleton designed specifically for children.


What future opportunities will do your homework for you? 

A. Community Groups 

B. Natural language Processing 

C. Paying Teacher 

Natural Language processing 


What job will let you break into other people's computers for good reasons. 

A. White Hat Hacker 

B. Black Hat Hacker 

C. Red Hat Hacker 

Ethical hacker (White Hat Hacker)

Ethical hacking is a job in the field of network security that many people do today, but this job is sticking around for the long term. The only way that ethical hackers (or white hat hackers) will be out of work is if the internet disappears and is replaced with something else. That doesn’t look like a reality in the near future, or ever, meaning ethical hackers are not budging.


Where was the Three-Light Traffic Light invented at by a black man?

A. New York, New York 

B. Cleveland, Ohio 

C. Los Angeles, California 

Garrett Morgan was the first Black person in Cleveland, Ohio, to own a car. After he witnessed a severe car accident at an intersection in the city, he expanded on the current traffic light by adding a “yield” component, warning oncoming drivers of an impending stop.


Who request permission from the city of Hampton, Virginia, to attend classes with white students, and In 1958, completed the program and became NASA's first Black woman engineer.

A. Mary Jackson 

B. Marian Croak 

C. Madam C.J. Walker 

Mary Jackson 


What devices will replace human body parts with technology. 

A. Mighty Morphin 

B. Xenotransplantation 

C. Shape Shifting 

Xenotransplantation - the procedure of transplanting, implementing or infusing a human with cells, tissues or organs from an animal source - has the potential to revolutionise surgery.


What will be a future opportunity to watch your health?

A. Digital "Twins" 

B. Chips in your arm 

C. Doctor Holograms 

Digital Twins 


What career lets you create content for other people on Social Media (IG, Tik-Tok, etc.) 

A. Content Viewer 

B. Content Creator 

C. Troll 

Content creator

There’s been a huge and undeniable boom in content creators over the past few years. But what exactly is a content creator? This is a relatively broad term that captures anyone who creates content for digital channels. Still, the most famous kind of content creator is the social media influencer – you can read all about influencer marketing in our blog post.


Where was the Super Soaker invented by a black man? 


B. Italy 

C. Germany 


Summer just wouldn’t be the same without Lonnie Johnson’s invention. Johnson was an Aerospace Engineer for NASA who’ happened to invent the popular children’s toy.


who discovered a way to create a water-soluble solution from chaulmoogra oil. This oil was the main treatment for leprosy symptoms, but its taste often caused patients to vomit while taking it or they developed abscesses under the skin. This discovery allowed for it to be injected with minimal side effects. 

A. Mae Jemison 

B. Alexa Canady 

C. Alice Ball 

Alice Ball 


What future devices will allow you to type in a word and the picture will be created instantly? 

A. Cartoon Drawing 

B. AI image-generation 

C. Imagination Studio 

AI image-generation 

Type in ‘a dog wearing a cowboy hat singing in the rain’ and you’ll get a host of completely original images that fit that description. You can even choose what style of art your request will come back in. However, the technology isn't perfected and still has issues, like when we gave it poor prompts on designing cartoon characters.


Which of the following in going to be a future opportunity for humans. 

A. Coming back from the dead 

B. Living Robots 

C. Becoming an animal

Living Robots 


What career teaches you how to control robots and make them think better?

A. A Mad Scientist 

B. Becoming a human robot 

C. Artificial Intelligence 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) jobs

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is much further along the process compared to virtual reality. With Elon Musk talking of putting chips in peoples’ heads to create superhumans, the possibilities of AI technology really do open your eyes.

But AI is not just about creating a new generation of humans. It can be about making functional robots and enhancing business processes. The developments in AI are almost limitless, which means these types of jobs aren’t going anywhere fast.


Where was the Modern toilet invented at by an African American? 

A. Asia 

B. Africa 



Thank Thomas Elkins for your porcelain throne. Without Elkins, your bathroom breaks certainly wouldn’t be as comfortable.


 took a winding road to become the first Black woman to serve as an astronaut.

A. Joycelyn Elders 

B. Mae Jemison

C. Mary Kenner  

Mae Jemison 


What future devices will let you think something and the robot will do it instantly?

A. Brain Reading Robots 

B. Teslas 

C. Bots

Brain Reading Robots

Thanks to a machine-learning algorithm, a robot arm and a brain-computer interface, these researchers have managed to create a means for tetraplegic patients (those who can’t move their upper or lower body) to interact with the world.

In tests, the robot arm would perform simple tasks like moving around an obstacle. The algorithm would then interprets signals from the brain using an EEG cap and automatically determine when the arm had made a move that the brain considered incorrect, for example moving too close to the obstacle or going too fast.


Which of the following is a future opportunity for everyone?

A. Internet for free for everyone 

B. Phones for free for everyone 

C. Television for free for everyone

Internet for everyone for free 
