How many boroughs in London may residents be eligible for the Low Income Residents Discount?
What is the Auto Pay Off-Peak Charge for Cars/Small Vans/Motorcycles & Mopeds?
How long is the Silvertown Tunnel?
What is the cost of a PCN if paid within 2 weeks?
What is the amount of the reduction for the Blackwall & Silvertown Tunnels Business Discount?
What is the Autopay Peak or Pay as you Drive charge for a Car/Small Van?
7th April 2025
What date does the Silvertown Tunnel open?
What is the cost of the PCN if paid between 15 and 28 days?
What is the amounts of the Discount for Blue Badge Holders?
Phone or Online
How can people pay without Autopay?
Reducing Congestion, Improving Air Quality & Expanding Public Transport Links
What is the main purpose of the new tunnel?
What is the cost when the keeper is issued with a Charge Certificate?
What are the types of Photo ID that could be required for the Low Income Residents Discount?
Autopay Off-Peak, Autopay Peak, Pay to Drive
What are the 3 charge types for Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels?
06:00 to 22:00
What times will the charges be in effect?
Make a Representation
What can a keeper do if the believe a PCN is incorrect?