An animated reboot of a show featuring a troublesome trio of birds as the main leads
Ducktales (2017)
My Sister's name
The longest running Broadway show of all time
The Phantom of the Opera
Worse Company
Bad Company
The game that follows a little boy in his battle against his mother and grappling with his sin
The binding of Isaac repentance
Six seasons and a movie (soon)
My Favourite Horror Film
I hate this one the most
Shining Diamond
Crazy Diamond
Why did the Jonkler, is he stupid???
Batman: Arkham Knight
The top grossing media franchise of all time
The main reason for my "gambling addiction"
Evil Dentist gets fed to a big plant
Little Shop of Horrors
Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Bloons TD 6
39 seasons of bad effects and unintelligible plots
Dr Who
My favourite two colour combo in magic the gathering
Izzet (red blue)
I've seen it in person twice
School of Rock/Wicked
Sticky Fingers
Card games, not on motorcycles
Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel
1650's to 1730's
The Golden Age of Piracy
The best word on the planet
My favourite show ever
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Flaccid Pancake
Limp Bizket
Stardew Valley