What year was the montgomery bus boycott
What was the month day and year of the "I have a dream speech".
August 28, 1963
King stated, " No matter what color you are, you are ___________________."
King's wife name
Coretta Scott King
Where did King deliver his famous "I Have a Dream" speech?
Washington DC
What year was the sit-in movement?
What the date of the riots in Watts, Los Angeles.
Aug, 11, 1965.
What happened in Chicago during the "movement to end slums".
They went and bought coal because it was so cold.
Who was the chairman of SNCC
Stokely Carmichael
What civil rights organization did King found with Ralph Abernathy, Fred Shuttlesworth, and Joseph Lowery?
In 1957, King and other civil rights activists founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC).
What year was the freedom rides
Dr. King was against the war.
True or False
Who was the mayor of Chicago
Mayor Daly
Was stokely Carmichael dedicated to the nonviolent movement?
How old was Martin Luther King when he won the Nobel Peace Prize?
At 35 years of age
What year was the Birmingham campaign
What is the name of the Video?
King in the Wilderness
What did Black power Mean
Black Power needed to appreciate Blacks
How many children did he have?
Where was Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated?
Memphis TN
What year were the Selma to Montgomery Marches
What month and year did he go to Chicago?
January, 1966
What did MLK say the philosophy was of the civil right movement?
We must go all out to use legal and non-violent methods to gain full citizenship rights for the negro people.
What famous boycott did Martin Luther King Jr. help orchestrate?
Montgomery Bus Boycott
When is Martin Luther King Jr. Day observed?
3rd Monday In January