A player within 10 feet of the thrower who initiates the stall count
a Mark
A turnover results if any of them touch the pull but do not catch it before it hits the ground
Offensive Players
A call where the hand sign is a T formed with the hands or a hand and a disc
a Timeout
A one-letter word used when a player has successfully blocked an offensive player from getting the disc
a D!
A fast release on a forehand throw
a Quick Flick
Contact between opposing players that affects continued play
a Foul
It is required when a player runs into the end zone while catching a disc and brings it back in at the end zone line before they may throw
a Ground Check
A call where the sign is arms raised with bent elbows to form an "L" shape, fists facing forward
a Pick
A word often shouted by players on the sideline that indicates that a disc has been thrown and is in the air
The God of Thunder completes a pass in the endzone
a Thor Score
When a thrower fails to establish and continually maintain a pivot at the appropriate spot on the field until the is released
a Travel
The person who gets the disc after a pick is called by the defender of the player who caught the disc
The Thrower
A call where the sign is forearms extended in front of body, elbows tight against torse, with palms facing upwards
A set of principles which places the responsibility for fair play on the player, which are central to the sport of Ultimate
Spirit or Spirit of the Game
A group of cruel old women setting up a non-person defensive strategy
a Crone Zone
The most complete view available by a player that includes the relative positions of the disc, ground, players, and line markers involved in a play
Best Perspective
The result of a play wherein a foul called by an offensive player downfield is not acknowledged by the thrower before the disc is thrown to an uninvolved offensive player and not caught
a Turnover
A call where the sign is arms perpendicular to the ground with hands touching shoulders
When a defensive player intercepts the disc in the opponent's end zone for a point
a Callahan
A British pound in exchange for a layout
a Quid Bid
When a line between the marker's feet is less than one disc diameter away from the pivot of the thrower
a Straddle
Type of stall that would result in an uncaught disc remaining where it has landed
Contested Stall
A call where the sign is to hold one arm straight out and chop the other forearm across the straight arm, followed by two fists bumped together in front of the chest with the backs of hands facing outward
Contested Foul
When a player jumps from in-bounds to catch a disc, on a trajectory to land out-of-bounds, but throws the disc back in to another player before they land out-of-bounds
a Greatest
A global photography company's offensive formation
Kodak Ho Stack