What does the "B" stand for?
What does the "C" stand for?
Describe the Submersion Model
English-only instruction for non-native speakers.
What does ESL stand for?
English as a Second Language
What was Plessy v. Ferguson?
Court case in 1896 starting the "separate but equal" clause for segregation.
What does the "I" stand for?
What does the "A" stand for?
Describe Content-based ESL
Having students navigate their own learning buy subjects they are interested in. (informal English learning)
What does ENL stand for?
English as a New Language.
What was Brown v. Board of Education
1954 court case striking down Plessy, finding that separate was NOT equal in segregation of schools.
What does the "C" stand for?
What does the "L" stand for?
Describe the ESL pull-out method.
Pulling out ESL students from the Gen. ed class into a class that is more beneficial to their needs.
What does ELL stand for?
English Language Learner.
What was NCLB?
A nationwide initiative to hold schools accountable for students' success.
What does the "S" stand for?
What does the "P" stand for?
What is SI - Sheltered Instruction?
It is a method of teaching ESL students language, content, and academic skills at the same time.
What does ELD mean?
English language development.
What is Arizona Prop 203? (Not the marijuana one)
Arizona Prop 203 limited the availibility of bilingual education in public schools to mostly English-only programs.
Name 1 example of BICS.
Conversational language, social interaction, playground
Name 1 example of CALP.
Academic proficiency, formal language skills, 5-7 years to develop
What is transitional bilingual education?
An early acceptance and instruction of the child's native language, which phases out after two years or so into all English.
What does ESOL stand for?
English for Speakers of Other Languages.
Just Arizona...