Author's Specific Purpose
Vocabulary In Context
Biased/ NonBiased
Main Idea/ Supporting Details
Fact/ Opinion
People tend to buy music only after hearing it. Someone who hears a song on the radio or at a friend's house is more likely to buy it than if he or she had only heard of it. Major record companies promote new music through radio and videos. However, most musicians work with smaller labels that can rarely finance extensive promotions. That means lesser-known musicians rely heavily on sharing and word of mouth to reach potential fans. What is the authors major purpose of this passage?
The author is trying to inform us of how people are exposed to music and how that exposure leads to record sales.
The lost campers sweltered in the heat of the desert sun. What is the definition of sweltered and what word did you use as a context clue to determine it's meaning?
Definition: Burned Clue words: heat, desert sun
My dog is better than every other dog on earth. Biased or Not Biased?
The first people to wear sunglasses were the Inuit (Eskimos) in North America. They needed sunglasses because the sun and the snow were too bright for their eyes. They made them out of the skin and bones of animals. The main idea of the story is about: A. Americans B. Islanders. C. The History of Sunglasses
C. The History of Sunglasses It talks about both cultures but discusses the history of sunglasses in both.
3. Which of these is a statement of fact? a. That really dedicated man never gave up. b. He put together a wonderful book. c. Of course, that is disappointing. d. One person did not make that progress.
d. One person did not make that progress This is the only statement that does not include an adjective, which generally signals an opinion.
Jazz developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in New Orleans. As it evolved, jazz became known as a means of personal expression through improvisation. What is the authors main purpose of this passage?
The author is informing us about how Jazz got it start.
The scared rock climber balanced precariously on the edge of the cliff. What is the definition of precariously and what words did you use as clues?
Definition: dangerously Clue Words: scared, edge of the cliff
There are many places around the world to visit. Biased or Not Biased?
Not Biased.
What question should you ask yourself to find the main idea of a passage or paragraph? A. What is happening in this paragraph? B. What is going on in this paragraph? C. Who or what is the paragraph talking about? D. What is the most important point the author wants me to understand about the topic?
D. What is the most important point the author wants me to understand about the topic?
9. How do you know this is a fact? “Mount Kenya is the second highest mountain in Africa.” a. It tells information you can check. b. It tells about something special. c. It is about the topic. d. It uses the word really
a. It tells information you can check.
In the digital age, almost anyone with a computer and Internet connection can illegally reproduce copyrighted material, including music, and easily distribute that material to a wide audience. Groups such as the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) have fought such illegal distribution, arguing that it hurts artists, results in job losses, and costs billions in lost revenue. Yet recent studies suggest that piracy may actually be fueling rather than threatening the music industry's growth. What is the author's purpose for writing this passage?
The author is informing us of how music is pirated and illegally reproduced and the effects that piracy has on the music industry.
The mood was somber at the funeral of the former president. What is the definition of somber and what words did you use as clues?
Definition: Serious Clue Words: funeral, former president
Barack Obama is a way better president than John McCain would have been. Biased or Not Biased?
When a person decides to get a dog, he or she has many kinds to choose from. As a rule, short-haired dogs are best for cities. Beagles, Boston Terriers, and Dachshunds make good city pets. Great Danes are short-haired, too. However, they are too big for city living. It is hard in a city to give them all the exercise they need. Setters, Springer Spaniels, and Collies are especially good as country dogs. What is the main idea? A. Dogs are good pets. B. Some dogs are better than others for city life. C. There are many kinds of dogs. D. Short-haired dogs are better for cities.
B. Some dogs are better than others for city life.
1. Which of these words tells you this statement is an opinion? “This newly elected leader brought a bold plan to the Presidency.” a. newly b. leader c. bold d. Presidency
c. bold
The song's refrain repeated the words home and heart, like the pattern of stitches in her sweater or the design on her bedroom wallpaper. Why did the author use words like "pattern" and "design"?
The author used these words to describe how the words home and heart were repeated.
We often travel to New England in the autumn to see the bright colors of the fall foliage. What is the definition of foliage and what clue words did you use?
Definition: Leaves/ Plant Material Clue Words: Autumn, fall, bright colors
Chivas and America are both popular soccer teams. Biased or Not Biased?
Not Biased.
Could you be a record setter? If you want to be in the Guinness Book of World Records, you will need to do something better than anyone else in the world. First, read all of the current records. Decide if you will try to break an existing record or set a new one. Write to Guinness Records to get the guidelines. Keep careful notes on your record attempts. Two reliable persons or organizations must act as witnesses. Each record attempt must be recorded on videotape. If you think you can do it, give t a try! Which is the topic sentence in the above paragraph? A. First, read all of the current records. B. If you want to be in the Guinness Book of World Records, you will need to do something better than anyone else. C. Decide if you will try to break an existing record or set a new one. D. Could you be a record setter?
B. If you want to be in the Guinness Book of World Records, you will need to do something better than anyone else.
7. Which of these is a fact? a. We now have a very special connection to this great African country. b. While they are from the same region, they have different histories. c. Kenyans have much to be proud of, including a history of great cultures. d. It is a wonderful place to see a great country.
b. While they are from the same region, they have different histories.
My two older brothers played the violin quite well, and so it was expected that I would naturally follow in that pursuit. As a young child, my fingers were thick and round as rolled sausages, with nary a visible knuckle. I could barely hold a crayon, let alone a horse-haired bow, and pressing a note on one string inevitably meant pressing at least one other string inadvertently. As I was all head and no neck, simply figuring out where to place the violin in the fleshy expanse between chin and collar became something of a painful mystery. Why did the author write "I could barely hold a crayon, let alone a horse-haired bow"?
To show that the author normally isn't gentle or graceful.
The impudent boy was rude to the policeman. What is the definition of the word impudent and what clues did you use to determine the meaning.
Definition: Bold, irresponsible Clue Words: rude to the policeman
Which sentence shows the author’s bias? A. Sonic, with its disgusting food, should be closed down. B. Sonic serves many different types of soda and food. C. Sonic is about to begin serving food 24 hours a day. D. Sonic can make a burrito over 1 million ways.
A. Sonic, with its disgusting food, should be closed down.
Marko and Troy wanted to drive to Key West for the weekend. Marko decided that he did not have enough gas in his car. The trip to Key West was about 400 miles, and would cost about $150 in gas. Troy said that he would pay for the gas just as long as Marko would pay him back when they returned. Marko and Troy had a good time in Key West until Troy left Marko at the beach to talk to some girls. Marko drove back without Troy and they never spoke again. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Marko decided that he did not have enough gas in his car. B. Marko and Troy had a good time in Key West until Troy left Marko at the beach. C. Marko drove back without Troy and they never spoke again. D. Marko and Troy decided to take a trip to Key West that later cost them their friendship.
D. Marko and Troy decided to take a trip to Key West that later cost them their friendship.
6. Which of these is an opinion? a. This area was a trading center. b. It still is a nature center. c. Traditions should be respected. d. They did not want to be a colony.
c. Traditions should be respected.