What two enemies have a headbutting attack that inflicts the Dizzy status?
Helmet Noob, Helmet Bandit
Who is the final boss of the prologue?
Noobador w/Red & Blue
What is the rarest fish?
Name all the bosses in the prologue.
Red & Blue Noobs, Noobador
What is the name of the song that plays after the Bubonic Plant is defeated?
Which enemy is only encountered once and serves as a tutorial for the Bomb item?
Spiky Killbot
Who is the final boss of Chapter 1?
Cruel King
What item can you buy at the back of the train for various prices?
Bloxy Cola
Name all the bosses in Chapter 1.
Supreme Ant, Sentient Statue, Cruel King
Where can the Guru take the player(s) to rebattle main bosses that have been defeated?
Which chapter 3 enemy has no moves that can damage the player(s)?
What is the final boss of Chapter 2?
Bubonic Plant
What are all of the SFOTH swords, including the ones not in the game?
Ice Dagger, Venomshank, Ghostwalker, Firebrand, Windforce, Darkheart, Illumina
Name all the bosses in Chapter 2(rebattles not counted).
Griefer, Komodo Dragon, Bigfoot, Bubonic Plant, Supreme Mosquito
What extremely hard-to-get item can revive the player(s) when they are defeated?
The First-Aid Kit
Which enemies can heal themselves from an attack on the player(s)?
Mosquito Swarm, VLAD
What is the final boss of Chapter 3?
What is the effect of the Ice Dagger?
Heals 20% of HP and SP
Name all the bosses in Chapter 3.
Green & Purple Noobs, Turkey, Slasher, GREED, SOLITUDE, FEAR, HATRED
What effect does HATRED's Corruption attack inflict on the player(s)?
Out of the following, which enemies use ranged attacks: Ghost of HAX, Apparition, Smugupine, Toxic Dartman
Ghost of HAX, Apparition, Toxic Dartman
What is the only secret boss as of March 2025?
Supreme Mosquito
Given that the player has the hyperball, and is using the Fireball card along with the SP Saver card, which attack uses less SP: Fireball or Rocket Boots?
(Fireball uses 1 SP with SP Saver, Rocket Boots uses 2 SP)
What is the sword that players obtain in the prologue, and what can be obtained to replace it for higher attack?
The Wooden Sword, The Iron Sword
Under what condition(s) can Griefer use the attack 'Venom Spin' in his second battle?
Charged, Attack Up