A+ blood can donate to who?
A+, A-, O+, and O-
How many days do red blood cells live?
120 days
A new born baby has how much blood?
Around a cup
Blood cancer is known as what?
How old does one have to be to donate blood?
17 or older, but can be 16 with parental consent
What blood type is a universal donate?
How many pints of blood can save 3 lives?
1 pint
Can you get AIDS and any diseases from donating blood? (Yes or No)
What percentage of water is stored in one's blood?
How much does one have to weigh to donate blood?
At least 110 pounds
AB+ is known to be a what?
A universal recipient
How many years can frozen plasma be stored?
1 year
Will donating blood make you weak? (Yes or No)
What is plasma made mostly of?
Can one donate blood if one tested positive for HIV? (Yes or No)
Name all of the blood types
A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+, and O-
How often can one donate whole blood?
Up to 6 times per year
Blood centers run low on what types of blood?
O & B
What blood cells are the bodies main protection against infection?
White blood cells
When can one donate blood after receiving a blood transfusion?
3 months
What are the 3 rarest blood types in the world?
B-, AB+, and AB-
How does blood carry oxygen throughout the body?
Shortages of all blood types happen during what 2 season?
Winter & summer
What carries oxygen to the bodies organs & tissues?
Red blood cells
How long should one rest after a blood transfusion?
24-48 hours