Why did Captain Smith get arrested on the ship?
The gentlemen thought he was trying to overthrow the government, murder the council the members, and make yourself ruler.
Describe the carib. indians from chapter 5.
They have decorations of their enemies hand tied to their hair. The women have tattoo in their face and naked bodies.
How did Samuel's mother died?
Of a blight or sickness.
These three ships make the voyage to the New World.
What are the Susan Constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery?
Why was Captain Smith released from his shackles?
Captain Smith was released from his shackles so he can communicate with the natives to trade and hopefully find food,
The Carib islands.
While the other boys would be content to stay in the islands, what was Samuel looking for in the New World?
Samuel wants to go to the new world because he believes that there are sacks of gold there for him.
This is the main reason Samuel and the other settlers are heading to Virginia.
What is to establish a colony.
What event did CAptain Smith and Samuel; see from, the ship?
A sword fish and thresher shark attacking and killing a whale from the deck.
Who does Samuel believe is gullible for believing the sailors? (ch. 5)
The other boys. ( James, Richard)
After Smith cuffs Samuel for fighting with Richard, what does Captain Smith demand Samuel do? (pg. 55)
To stand on one foot.
The Virginia Company’s mission is backed by this English monarch.
Who is King James I?
What advice does Smith give Samuel about cooperation with the other boys on the ship? (ch. 8)
"Don't let your anger get the best of you. Learn to channel it and it will become your strength rather than weakness."
"Land Ho!" the sailors holler with whooping sounds, laughing and stomping. (ch. 8) why?
They have finally landed on the colony of Virgina.
What does Samuel plead for from Smith and Richard after he has been chained over night for fighting with Richard?
A slop bucket.
Who do the men decide to be their first president of the colony? (ch. 8)
Master Wingfield.
"Bring picks and shovels," Master Wingfield orders once they go ashore in Virginia. What does Captain Smith suggest they do first instead ?
Find a place to live before digging for gold.
Why does Samuel yell for the men to "use your muskets and shoot..."?
To shoot the Indians on Virginia that is attacking the men.