The city where Samuel’s journey begins, filled with crowded streets and poverty
What is London
This company is responsible for funding the journey to the New World.
The Virginia Company
These are the names of the two boys Samuel struggles to get along with.
James and Richard
Even before reaching Virginia, settlers face threats from this unpredictable force
The storms/Ocean
This natural resource becomes both a challenge and a necessity for survival in the colony.
What is water
This is the reason Samuel Collier is arrested at the beginning of the story
What is stealing a locket
These two leaders constantly argue about leadership and the best way to establish the colony.
Captain Smith and Master Wingfield
This determines how people are treated on the Susan Constant, separating gentlemen from commoners.
What is social class
The amount of time spent on the boat off the coast of Virginia
what is 17 days
The English settlers build their first fort off of what river?
The James River (Powhatan)
What is a pawnshop
Samuel finds this quality admirable in Captain Smith, unlike the gentlemen on the ship.
Hard work
The two categories of social class in the story
What is the gentlemen and the commoners
Samuel's perspective on this begins to shift as he starts to trust Captain Smith.
What is following orders/Cooperating
Smith thinks that the Natives are doing this when trading with the English
Spying on the English Camp
This man sees potential in Samuel and offers him a second chance instead of prison.
Reverend Hunt
The island chain the crew anchored down on during this journey
The Canary Islands
What was the talk of the ship after Smith had been arrested?
Wingfield was lying
Smith teaches Samuel an important lesson about
What is teamwork
By watching Captain Smith, Samuel begins to change in this way.
Anger management
The captain of the Godspeed
Captain Gosnold
The charges brought upon Smith by Master Wingfield
Being a traitor and wanting to overthrow the government
The "big fish" Smith was describing in Chapter 6
Master Wingfield
What type of weapon do the English carry? Why was it ineffective?
Musket, it takes a long time to shoot and is only one shot
Wingfield and Smith argue about this
Setting up camp or looking for gold