[tropho]Blasts from the past
Less phys

Which of the following are functions of blood?

I. maintenance of homeostasis

II. transportation of resources

III. conservation of heat

IV. connecting organs throughout the body

What is: all of these


Fick's Law can be written as Q = DA(C1-C2), what do these variables stand for?

Q = rate of diffusion

D = diffusion coefficient

A = cross-sectional area

(C1-C2) = concentration gradient between point 1 and point 2

DOUBLE POINTS: what factors (3) are accounted for in 'D'?


What is the room number of our lab?



Besides Physiology TA, what other titles does Haley have?

A. Bridal Consultant/Tuxedo Specialist

B. Certified Nursing Assistant

C. Grand Champion Gelding horse showman(woman)

D. Ballerina

all of these


*Blows smoke*



Provide the common names for the following terms:

I. erythrocyte

II. leukocyte

III. thrombocyte

Double points: provide a function for each of these

I. erythrocyte: red blood cell; transportation of O2/CO2

II. leukocyte: white blood cell; immuno-function (combat infection +invaiding organisms)

III. thrombocyte: platelets; prevent blood loss through clotting formation


What special names are given to these skeletal muscle cell components:

I. plasma membrane

II. cellular cytoplasm

III. specialized endoplasmic reticulum which only holds Ca2+

I. sarcolemma

II. sarcoplasm

III. sarcoplasmic reticulum


What is our lab section number?



What is Dr. Woodman missing?

A. front tooth

B. index finger

C. an eye

An eye


There is only one thing worse than a rapist

A child


Leukocytes are classified as "true cells", because they contain nuclei, and are able to undergo mitosis to create daughter cells. Thrombocytes are not considered "true cells," because they lack nuclei and cannot undergo mitosis. What are red blood cells classified as?

Red blood cells (RBCs) are not "true cells" !! RBCs do not have nuclei nor the ability to undergo mitosis. These babies are nothing more than specialized shipping containers (mainly for O2)!


What 3 components, found within the cochlea, compose the Organ of Corti?

basilar membrane, hair cells, tectorial membrane


Name an intern we have had in our lab?

**300 pts per intern

113: Maddie

120: Emily, Haleigh, Megan


What is a hobby of Haley's that gives her mother a heart attack?

Solo camping/hiking for multiple days


Being diagnosed with cool guy syndrome results in taking this medication


White Blood Cell Counts can be a helpful diagnostic tool, especially when the count changes drastically when a certain health condition is present. Which white blood cell subtype is greatly associated with chronic diseases such as tuberculosis and leukemia?

A. neutrophils

B. monocytes

C. eosinophils

D. basophils

A. Monocytes- monocytosis is a diagnostic marker for both of these conditions

DOUBLE POINTS: Define monocytosis.


For what reason are aldosterone and ADH released into the bloodstream?

Aldosterone and ADH are released due to low blood volume (BV) and low blood pressure (BP) conditions, both hormones raise blood volume and blood pressure

DOUBLE POINTS: how does Aldosterone or ADH correct BV/BP?


What images are displayed on the front page of the BIOS 213L course syllabus?

**400 points per correct answer

EKG wave series, Vernier LabPro, electronic power supply


What does Haley want to be when she "grows up"? 

Double points: What did Haley want to be when she grew up?

A family physician in a high Spanish speaking community in Nebraska

Ballerina or a horse trainer


Hurricane Katrina? More like Hurricane ______



Who is at the highest risk for an agglutination reaction?

A. A mother (Rh-) having her first child (Rh+)

B. A patient (AB-) receiving a blood transfusion for the first time (O-)

C. A mother (Rh+) having her third child (Rh-)

D. A patient (O-) receiving a blood transfusion for the first time (AB-)

D. A recipent of O- blood has neither the Rh factor nor A and B antigens; an AB- donor doesn't have the Rh factor, but has both A and B antigens. 

O- blood types are universal donors (can provide for all types), but are isolated recipients (can only receive from other O- types)

AB+ blood types are universal recipients (can receive all types), but isolated donors (can only provide for other AB+ types)

DOUBLE POINTS: why would it be more important to know the transfusion history of a Rh- patient, rather than a Rh+ patient?


In endocrinology, we have hormones categorized as "releasing hormones" and "stimulating hormones" which organs provide these respectively?

"releasing hormones" - from the hypothalamus

"stimulating hormones" - from pituitary (7 anterior, 2 posterior)


What famous functional unit of the kidney performed an iconic new year's eve duet with Gabriella Montez?

Zac Nephron


What is a post-surgical precaution of a person who just had an Anterior Total Hip Replacement?

not to extend the surgical leg past the body plane


Whoever threw that paper, ________

Your mom's a hoe
