100: What is the normal blood pressure range?
Less than 120/80 mmHg
100: What does DASH stand for?
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
100: What is one lifestyle factor that increases the risk of hypertension? (there are many examples)
Smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise
100: What is the most common symptom of high blood pressure?
No symptoms—it's usually silent
100: What common kitchen ingredient is a major cause of high blood pressure?
200: What organ does high blood pressure directly affect the most?
The heart
What nutrient in the DASH diet helps relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure?
Potassium! Found in bananas, spinach, and sweet potatoes.
200: What is a common genetic factor for high blood pressure?
Family history
200: True or False: High blood pressure only affects older people.
False! It can happen at any age, especially with poor lifestyle habits
200: What weighs more—a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?
Neither! They both weigh one pound.
300: What is another name for high blood pressure?
300: What type of meats does the DASH diet encourage? (give 2 examples)
Lean meats like chicken and fish
300: What age group is most at risk for hypertension?
Adults over 50
300: What lifestyle change can lower blood pressure the fastest?
Reducing salt intake
A rooster lays an egg on top of a slanted roof. Which way does it roll?
Roosters don’t lay eggs!
400: What number in a BP reading represents pressure when the heart is resting?
Diastolic ( systolic/diastolic)
400: Why does the DASH diet limit processed foods?
They are high in sodium
400: How does obesity contribute to high blood pressure?
It increases strain on the heart
400: Name one form of exercise that helps lower blood pressure.
Walking, swimming, cycling
What is the only letter that doesn’t appear in any U.S. state name?
The letter Q!
500: Why is hypertension called the "silent killer"?
It often has no symptoms
500: Name one whole grain recommended by the DASH diet.
Brown rice, quinoa (seed), whole wheat bread
500: What stress hormone can raise blood pressure when too high?
500: How does stress management help lower blood pressure?
Reduces cortisol levels and promotes relaxation
400: You see a boat full of people, but there isn’t a single person on board. How is this possible?
Everyone on board is married!