Deficiency of WBC
What information is gained from a CBC?
# of RBCs, WBCs, PLTs
What is the life span of an erythrocyte?
approximately 120 days
An anemia where hemoglobin is decreased due to a lack of iron
Iron-deficiency anemia
If a person receives incompatible blood, what would you expect the blood to do?
The blood will agglutinate (clump).
Condition of having too many (more than normal amount) of platelets (thrombocytes)
Why might a type and cross match be ordered?
The patient needs a blood transfusion...compatibility of the donor and recipient's blood must be checked
What carries O2 on the RBC?
an inherited disorder where erythrocytes are crescent shaped
Sickle cell anemia
A patient that is bleeding profusely is ___________.
formation of blood
What do blood cultures determine?
If bacteria or another pathogen is present
What organ removes damaged RBC from circulation?
An anemia where erythrocytes are destroyed faster than normal
Hemolytic anemia
Which plasma protein is critical in the clotting process?
blood infection
When a C&S is ordered, what information does the sensitivity provide?
to which antibiotic the bacteria or pathogen is susceptible or sensitive
In other words, which abx will kill the organism
Name 3 plasma proteins.
An anemia where a lack of intrinsic factor causes B12 malabsorption (*B12 is needed to make RBCs)
Pernicious anemia
Plasma is made up of approximately ___% water.
removal of the plasma
What information is gained from a PT (prothrombin time)?
Information regarding how long it take the patient's blood to clot
When blood cells get low, hormones are released that stimulate bone marrow to produce (form) more blood cells. What is the name of this process?
Anemia where the bone marrow is unable to make enough red blood cells
Aplastic anemia
1. A patient with leukopenia is a risk for ________ .
2. WHY????
infection due to this disorder affects his WBCs which fight infection