A microorganism that will cause illness or disease in the human body.
What are Bloodborne pathogens?
This is an approach to treat all human blood and bodily fluids as if they are infectious.
What is Universal Precautions?
Three PPE items that protect you from bloodborne pathogens are gloves, goggles and _____.
What is a mask/face shield?
These are the only employees at SUU designated to clean up bodily fluids.
Who are the custodial and housekeeping staff?
Bloodborne Pathogens are not spread via ___. (Name two)
What is food, water, sharing eating utensils, hugging, kissing, holding hands, coughing or sneezing?
A form of Hepatitis for which there is a vaccination.
What is Hepatitis A or B?
This form needs to be completed if there is an exposure, injury or illness that is work related.
What is the Work-related Incident Report Form?
Used to protect hands from an exposure and should be worn during clean-up.
What are gloves?
You may re-use disposable latex gloves that are not punctured this number of times.
What is zero?
This federal agency has developed the Bloodborne Pathogen standards.
What is OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)?
The 3 most common bloodborne pathogens.
What are HIV, Hep B, Hep C?
Over 95% effective in developing protective antibodies.
What is the Hepatitis B vaccine?
PPE dripping with blood should be placed here.
What is in a biohazard bag?
The meaning of the abbreviation OPIM.
What are Other Potentially Infectious Materials?
This is done immediately if you have someone elses blood on you.
What is wash with soap and water and notify supervisor?
Hepatitis attacks this organ.
What is the liver?
Needles and other sharp objects should be placed here
What is a sharps container?
You can find supplies to clean up bodily fluids here.
What is a bodily fluid cleanup kit?
Clean your hands with this if soap and water or a restroom are not available.
What are hand sanitizer?
These are the three primary routes of exposure.
What are Ingestion, Inhalation, and Absorption?
Can survive for over one week in dried blood.
What is HBV or Hepatitis B?
The number of exposures it takes to become infected with HIV, Hepatitis B or C.
What is one?
One of the most important ways to prevent transmission of bloodborne pathogens.
What is handwashing?
The amount of time OSHA requires disinfectant to be left wet on a surface to prevent spread of HIV-1.
What is 30 seconds?
This bloodborne pathogen is abbreviated to HIV.
What is the Human Immunodeficiency Virus?