Who is the protagonist?
Rules a realm and can use an ability called Mutagenesis
Monarch Yri
What is the name of Monarch Yri's nation?
Vina Lyi
Name every large-role (No background characters) character that dies in the series. 100 points for each one.
Nouo, Sinei, Miyaku, Akune, Big Man Ryan, Norakrota, Picta, Bekko, Suvalti, Lyril
Who built the Machine?
Who does Picta kill?
Big Man Ryan
Shoots anyone who makes her angry
Lives in the Mishyo Ice Desert
What is the name of the merc group Mara leads?
The Maral group (Mara dy Nouvo / Vaesunt Tamaral)
How many people are originally revived by the Machine? (Bonus points for each one you can name)
Four (Sinei, Miyaku, Akune, Big Man Ryan)
Realm of chaos
Kills Nouo
They break into Ansyki LLC. and blast through the employees
What is the name of Sinei's theme song?
The Meaning of Greatness
Who kills Suvalti?
Why does Kas attack the player instead of attacking Picta
Kas can control machinery and knows that BLOOM is only a video game
Sister of Miyaku
Where does Sinei come from?
An Ewakatto village
How does Lyril die?
Her health condition
Who is Akune?
A deity of disarray and blindness, "Rage incarnate"
Why does MoL take place?
Picta is homeless
Makes music in MoL
Where does Eru fight Bekko?
The Taro forest
What is the name of the machine in THP? (If you can name it in the original language (Serat), you win the game)
Gaesha Netonora (Retrodeath Machine)
Where is the Machine, and is also where the final battle occurs?
In Maral group base 5