What does A.C.I.O.C. stand for?
Acknowledge, Clarify, Isolate, Overcome, Confirm
This customer persona doesn't sell online.
Offline Oscar
Name 3 revenue streams for florists who use BN
Website, MP, F2F, Yelp (get 3 of the 4 main)
What is the first question we should ask on a demo?
Get permission to ask more questions.
What is the deposit amount we collect on every sale?
What are the 4 common objections most sales people get?
Too busy/time, Shopping Around, Talk to Someone, Price
Name two ways to demonstrate pain to a Service Fee Sam persona.
What does FAB stand for?
Feature - Advantage - Benefit
Name the 6 steps of the sales process.
Identifying Needs/Pain
Foster Objections
Closing the Sale
Asking for Referrals/Upgrades
What are the KPIs we are focus on this year?
Win Rate, Launch Rate, Account Size, Churn
Name a reason an FSN customer should switch to BN.
The $5.99 fee, bad sites, bad seo.
This buyer type is direct, impatient and concise.
The Driver Buyer
If a florist has a PVR of $15k, what is the lowest % you can charge?
What is the equation we learned for Inside Sales "Math?"
Expertise + Trust = Value/Win
This is the type of objection we risk getting if we fail to Differentiate.
Price/Too Expensive
What is the % of decline in number of shops for the retail side of the industry?
What are the 3 things that Google measures when it comes to a business's reviews.
Quality, Quantity, Dispersion
Name the steps of the customer journey we pitch on every demo.
Search, Compare/Contract, Reviews, Select Florist, Track Delivery, Feedback
What % of consumers abandon their shopping cart when a service fee is added at the end?
Which part of the brain handles logic and reasoning?
The Neo Cortex
Name the 3 types of pain a business can have.
Productivity, Process, Financial
What are the 3 pillars of online revenue we should discuss on every demo?
Traffic, Conversion, AOV
Role play how to "normalize the close" and setting firm next steps.
This is what most florists tell me, they want a summary of today's meeting, some material to review, examples a few websites and a day or 2 to think about it.
How much traffic does the 1st organic result for a Google search get compared to the 3rd result?