BLP Wild Card

Which tab in SFDC do you look at to review previous conversations? From there, what tool allows you to see a summary of the conversations?

1:Opportunities --> Closed Lost


A company is growing heavily on the sales side. What might that mean for business and how can DB drive results for them?

1: Lofty Pipeline goals and revenue goals

DB can drive results by ABX for sales. Account prioritization, Predictive, Efficient workflow etc...


Website contains a ton of gated content and specifically services one industry. What might you propose as value to the marketing team? To the Sales team?

identifying anonymous buyers, advertising to most engaged accounts, alerting sales when anonymous interest is displayed and pushing selling insight to sales when engaging with other website content that is not gated

If you've looked at PP and Qualification score, what is next scoring methodology to look at when prioritzing accounts/prospects?

Engagement Minutes


What are some other "BLP" categories for personalization where you can find great business level insight outside of SFDC, DB1/SIC, Website, LI (must get 2 right)

Funding Reports
Raised funding


You see an account with multiple opportunities dating all the way back to 2017. 3 of which are ISV opps and 2 are ABX. Which opp(s) should you primarily focus on and why?

Most recent opps and ABX. Because ABX opps have more fruitful information around pain / potential use cases


A company is growing heavily on the digital marketing side. What might that mean for business and how can DB drive results for them?

1: Looking to drive more lead gen through website
2: Revamping ad strategy to improve click through rates and lift
3: Increasing brand awareness
4: High Pipe and Revenue goals

DB can help with ABX or ADS to help marketing spend budget efficiently targeting the right accounts that are showing intent and driving their target accounts to website as well as seeing anon visitors


Top 3 things to look at on company website?

Careers (Job postings), Company news, Industry / Product Lines they sell into

What would you need to look at in Db1 to see who is most recently browsing landing pages that are high value to us?

Site analytics + increased page views


Your first touch email is around a company hiring for a Demand Gen VP & how we help increased brand awareness? What kind of BLP can you follow up for the second touch?

Another use case around ABX related to job posting ,DB1 screenshot of intent, Slack alert, PAR, ads play, company news etc...


Previous Opp history says they timing was not right, what is your next step in creating urgency and generating interest?

Reviewing engagement, trending intent, and their website to create more timely and targeted messaging 


You see a new RevOps person started 1 month ago at one of your target accounts. What is that an indicator of and how can DB help?

RevOps aligns the revenue teams and is the middle man between marekting, sales, cx

Revops aligns systems and teams
Bring on tech stack around sales/martech
Helps mitigate operational efficiencies

DB aligns sales and marketing by having source of truth around where to focus efforts, 1 stop shop tool that connects data systems so there is no data silo challenges AND data enrichment.

If an account sells into specific verticals. What use case can DB support around this?



Name some creative ways to show visual of how an account is engaging with us. (Must say 2)

1. Platform Screenshot of Timeline
2. Vidyard / Video walk thru
3. Slack alert


You are prospecting into the account "Canva" and you notice one of our execs came from that company. Who is the exec and how can you leverage them to break into the account?

John Eitel and you can lean on him for potential pain points they felt at canva see if he can intro you to anyone at the org


Give me 10 sec call opener using info from C/L opp


A company is hiring for a new CRO and CMO. What are 3 high level observations you have on what might now be working?

1. Marketing and Sales mis-alignment
2. Something is NOT working! Bringing in new talent with fresh perspectives to change things up
3. Pipeline and Revenue goals are high and numbers are likely being missed


If a companies biggest vertical they sell into is ENT finserv accounts. What are 2 ways DB can drive an account based impact?

1. Personalized web and ad experiences to accounts in that vertical with messaging that will resonate
2. Ads to right buying committee at large account to spend ad budget effectively
3. Segmentation. Prioritizing the accounts most likely to become customers within existing ENT finserv account and even net new ones


How can you use "Industry trends" feature in SIC as BLP messaging to an account

Using this feature tells you challenges happening in a set industry. You can use this as BLP by sharing how DB can solve some of the challenges they might be experiencing 


Look at this 10k for Samsara (slide 13): 

What is main initaitve DB can solve for? 

Up-sell and Cross-sell for existing and net new customers 


You see in campaign history a contact has attended Outreach Unleash. What value prop are you prioritizing and which persona?

Sales use cases, Outreach Integration + sales persona


Calling out our platform by name and sophisticated understanding of ABX motion and the value of an account based tool


Look at this website:

What 3 main things stand out?

Multiple product lines, Featured industry segments, Hiring for multiple roles in marketing/sales (specifically DG and sellers in FINSERV)


What are two ways you might position high trending intent vs low trending intent to a digital marketing persona?

1. limiting wasted ad spend on accounts that are NOT high trending intent 

2. creating par to advertise to companies who are engaging / showing intent


You read in a 10k/quarterly earning report that a business is focused on field expansion and brand awareness. What results can Demandbase help drive?

1. Increased brand awareness through targeted advertising = new customers 

2. Expansion within industry + verticals

3. More targeted field strategy to create higher return on investment and actually drive the right people to events 

4. More qualified leads through getting sales and marketing to focus on companies close to upcoming events, who are also showing interest in products/industry/solution
