The ability to understand the feelings of another
What is Empathy
The first stage of Taking Charge of Change
What is the Ending Stage
Being able to name and understand the cause and effects of your emotions
What is Enhance Emotional Literacy
Clarify values by finding your voice and affirming shared values
Social stereotypes about certain groups of people that individuals form outside their own conscious awareness.
What is Unconscious Bias
Our ability to feel with others
What is Emotional Empathy
The second stage of Taking Charge of Change
What is The Neutral Zone
Percent of the day that your emotions are on auto pilot
What is 95%
The foundation of Leadership
What is Integrity
Watch your first thoughts
Use the power of logic
Give your logical mind a chance to take over
Act as if the bias doesn't exist
Defeat bias by cultivating common ground
What are the 5 strategies to defeating Unconscious Bias
Our ability to sense how others think
What is Cognitive Empathy
The third and final stage of Taking Charge of Change
What is The New Beginning
8 basic emotions of Emotional Literacy
What is:
The 5 practices of Exemplary Leadership
Model the Way
Inspire a Shared Vision
Challenge the Process
Enable others to Act
Encourage the Heart
Can help you reach a different conclusion to the question you are asking