Who painted the door blue?
Lena's dad
What was different about her house compared to the others?
They had a blue door everyone else had white or grey doors
Where did Lena return from?
The city
What was the reasoning for painting the door?
- Thought that the houses looked too much alike
- Their home would be easier to see
How does the setting influence Lena's life?
She moved out of the reserve because she didn't like it and thought that she would like living in the city more
Describe what happened in Lena's dream?
- Noisy atmosphere but she felt completely alone
- walking down a hallway of never ending doors
What were her memories like behind the door?
- Warm smells
- Laughter
- Her mother smiling
How is the setting of the reserve different from the setting of the city in Lena's perspective?
- Reserve has a strong sense of community, animals roam free, familiar
- Animals are cooped up, lonely, hard to make friends
What struggle does Lena face?
The struggle to find her place in the world
Why did she hate the door?
She hated it because it was different. She wanted the door to be like the everybody elses.
Name three animals that were talked about in the story?
1. Crow
2. Coyote
3. Dog
By the way she described it, how did she feel about the city
- Felt out of place
- Like the coyote, Nobody wanted her there, nobody made friends with her
Why did she think it was weird that the door was painted?
All the people living on the reserve in a 1000 mile radius knew how to find each other without basing it off the description of their houses.
Describe 3 things about the reserve
- Patches of dry milkweeds
- Cheap government houses
- Dry weedy yards
- Dogs roaming free
- Narrow dirt road
How is she like the coyote?
- She was also trapped in the city and didn't feel a sense of belonging there