The Bluebook
Secondary Sources

The first citation to a case should always be the complete citation. After that, it is acceptable to use this type of citation.

What is a short cite.


The number of editions of the Bluebook prior to the current one.

What is 20.


What does the "533" represent in the following case citation:   New York Times Co. v. Tasini, 533 U.S. 483 (2001)?

What is the volume of the United States Reporter.


This table lists citation forms for the codes and session laws of the federal and state governments, and other United States jurisdictions.

What is Table 1.


When citing to a book that has more than two authors, you should use the first author's name followed by this latin term which means "and others."

What is et al.


You are using a pinpoint citation and citing to a footnote in an opinion, namely footnote 3. The proper abbreviation and punction is this.

What is n. 3.


The number of pages in the current edition of the Bluebook, not including the index.

What is 328.


This is the proper parenthetical for a 2003 case from the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.

What is (3d Cir. 2003).


This is the name of the statutory compilations in the state of Washington.

What is the Revised Code of Washington.


In the following citation, the number "3224" represents this:

Privacy Protection Act of 1998, H.R. 3224, 105th Cong. §2(a) (1998).

What is the number of the bill.


When citing to the 1st Circuit, make sure your Word settings do not autocorrect the "st" into this, which the Bluebook does not condone.

What is superscript


The Bluebook is structured into three major parts. The first is the Bluepages, the second is the Whitepages, and the third part consists of a series of what to be used in conjunction with the rules?

What are the tables.


This is the proper abbreviation for the Court of Appeals of North Dakota.

What is (N.D. Ct. App.).


This is how you properly cite title thirty-two, section nineteen of the United States Code, from 2020.

What is 32 U.S.C. § 19.


When citing to a law review article written by a student, sometimes referred to as a student note, make sure you include this additional word after the author's name.

What is comment.


Don't at me. The Bluebook says you should never use "at" after Id. when citing one of these.

What is a statute.


Academics, or those writing for academic publications, should look to this part of the Bluebook for rules.

What are the Whitepages.

When citing a case name, you should abbreviate Environmental as this.

What is Env't.


This is the proper Bluebook citation for article 1, section 3, clause 5 of the United States Constitution.

What is U.S. Const. art. 1, § 3, cl. 5.


When citing to books, reports, and other nonperiodic material, the title of the material is capitalized in accordance with this Bluebook Rule.

What is Rule 8.


When citing to an internet source, that is only available online, provide the URL and also the date on which you obtained the information, using this parenthetical phrase.

What is "last visited"


The Bluebook is compiled by the editors of law journals at four prestigious law schools, including Harvard, Yale, and Columbia, and this fourth law school.

What is the University of Pennsylvania?


When citing to an unreported case, in addition to the name of the court and the year, this other information must be included in the parenthetical.

What is the month and date that the opinion was issued.


This is the proper way to short cite to the following regulation: FTC Credit Practices Rule, 16 C.F.R. § 441.1 (2019).

What is 16 C.F.R. § 441.1 OR § 441.1.

This is the proper Bluebook abbreviation for the periodical called Washington & Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice.

What is Wash. & Lee J. C.R. & Soc. Just.
